Morning, this is a good question from you and I like it.
wisdom, knowledge and understanding, I will say the three are so important, because we need the three in our life.
If you have knowledge of something without understanding it, the knowledge is a wastes, some people do not apply the knowledge well, because they don't understand it.
For example a student have knowledge of math, but he didn't understand it, he will need someone who understands better than him to explain to him.
Wisdom is a greatest among the three, whatever you are doing, you need apply wisdom in life, some do Wise truly, but if you don't have knowledge and understanding.
The wisdom is also a wastes.
Examples a husband and wife, one can be wise and don't understand the husband or wife and in marriage you must understand your spouse, you must have the knowledge of how to deal with your spouse, so that there won't be fight.
And you must apply wisdom in everything you do.
To me the three is very important, Even in the bible solomon ask God for the three, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
And in the book of proverbs all through the did not choose one out of the three, he use the three word.
Because he knows we need the three, if you have one or two out of the three, you still need someone to that will help you with the third one.
ok that is a good answer, we need the three, to my point of view you have spoke well ,knowledge is the ability to know something either by purpose or accidentally, you can aquire knowledge in any area at any time, but when we talk about understanding ,let me say this, in ranking they are greater than each other but they can never work without each other,like we are talking about the body in whole and we are asking which is greater among the part of the body,we know that the head is the most important but the head will have problem if any part of the body have problem so what am saying niw is that they are greater and important than each other but they can't really work well without each other.
when we talking about understanding, understanding is the ability to assimilate knowledge, hmmm,you cant call something knowledge or else you know it ,and what you don't understand you can't know it you only have idea or clue, before you can boast of knowing something you have to understand the thing,the reason why we have dull students in our school days is not because they do not have idea or clue of what the teacher is teaching but they don't know it because they find it difficult to take the full details into their memory for applications which is the process of understanding so they can also say they know it.
so we can say KNOWLEDGE is information or a theory and the ability to install it or aquire it is UNDERSTANDING. so this point you should know their level according to my explanation UNDERSTANDING is greater than KNOWLEDGE, so moving forward lets now talk about WISDOM,wisdom is the ability to use the knowledge that you understand in a perfect and upright manner, wisdom guides your decision, you can only be wise base on your decisions,one of the reason why wisdom is the greatest is because sometimes its a matter of life and death it is left to your decision and judgement
Yes, you are right mate, this three things is like body, I agree with you, one will be greater than each others and they need each other have said early in morning.
But to me I think the wisdom is the head of this body, if someone have wisdom he or she will know how to guide he or herself.
And if he or she want to talk, he will apply the wisdom and use knowledge and understand to think and digest it before saying it out.
And if you see notice, solomon the bible as he is using the three, the main one is wisdom like wise David too, he always use wisdom that is why God said his the man after his own heart.
And the is reason is that, david always use the wisdom, whenever he sin to God he will as for forgiveness and he will never commit such offend again.
But to say the truth, the three each other to work perfectly, for your guidance and if someone want to make it life.
The three must be use every time, everybody.
yes that is very true wisdom is the greatest of all, we all need to ask for wisdom to decide our journey in life, talking about Solomon he was a very wise man.
one of the places he used wisdom in the bible was when two women came to him fighting for a child,which one has killed her own child and she want to take a living child.
in life situations like that will arise, and so many people fail in judgement like that and different situations which are complicated.
Get wisdom, Wisdom is the principal thing
Nice one and I must say it is good to see that you know it all already,but of all asking questions is a way of building others to grow up.
My dad do say asking questions don't mean you don't know ,but it is a means of helping others to get knowledge about things they are yet to know and to help the person asking also to have more knowledge too
yes that is very right most time you ask questions for others that dont see from a perspective to also see
there are some people that they dont really think about some certain matter with they need, just because their mind is not there,
but when questions are raised in that area then they now think that this thing they need it. sometimes questions are just an alarm system for some people, and increase of knowledge to some and change of mind set and conviction to some
Yes, it is true all parents do that for their children, because they want to know, maybe the children to know more than them or to know maybe you are a good child.
They always use it wisdom to test your knowledge and understanding as a child and if you answer well, they will tell you and if you did not they will also tell you.
And they will make sure they hide their own to yours, so that you will know more than your mate.