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In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.
As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.
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So don't be surprised if you end up getting rewards even though you don't win the draw. You deserve.
Anyone got big plans for this weekend?
Nah. Am cleaning the house and trying to do some gardening (cutting the hedge that is getting rather overgrown).
Going to write a lot of content for the next week in advance. :)
No plans from this side. Basically just lazying around like I usually do on weekends ;-). I find the weekend has a time to have enough rest and focus on doing little chores and visiting friends in the neighborhood as this is the only time I have to do so. Week days always got me shifting to the hectic lifestyle the reason in do reverse on weekends :-)
Hello, everyone!
I have been away from this chat because I've been really busy and dealing with some life stuff but I believe things will be better from now on and I'll be around more!
I hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend!
Welcome back, but we miss you and thank God you are back now.
The weekend is great and lovely.
you are welcome. i have also been in your shoes for some days now. though i usually come online to read some beautiful post but i end up not commenting or saying anything online because i don't have time to do so.
Hello there, welcome back. I hope things get better for you. Do have a great weekend.
True one just need to attend to some other issue but thank God everything is fine and we also thanks everyone that as contributed to the development of the community
Life stuff>>>>>>internet stuff.
Welcome back.
You're very welcome back to the community and happy to see you back on the contest. Hope everything is now going well as your expectation.
Good to have you back, you're welcome once again! Nice weekend friend
Welcome back man. Glad to have you join us here once again. Hope your interaction restore back much better and active than it was. Have a great weekend too.
You are welcome back, I believe you have a lovely weekend..it true you have been away for long I believe is for good.
The community as being fine and we are all doing great
You are welcome back, I believe you have a lovely weekend..it true you have been away for long I believe is for good.
The community as being fine and we are all doing great
you are welcome. same here as well it been long i enter this tribe
honestly i dont feel like missing anything in this tribe. the platform is a fantastic one for learning and has been filled with lot of interesting people. who are very intelligent
Definitely mate,let dig it out today well enough and don't forget to enjoy the weekend with Pobtalk and cruise over there.
Welcome back mate
As we all know is a good ground to benefit as usual just the way I love the pobtalk a lot of intresting and wonderful comments fly around even if one come will empty brain it will surely be full of some things is really a fun and I live it alot
my people its another day to learn ,teach and earn, let me come up with a question today ,
as we know
which of this is the most important,which one do you consider as the greatest among them.
Morning, this is a good question from you and I like it.
wisdom, knowledge and understanding, I will say the three are so important, because we need the three in our life.
If you have knowledge of something without understanding it, the knowledge is a wastes, some people do not apply the knowledge well, because they don't understand it.
For example a student have knowledge of math, but he didn't understand it, he will need someone who understands better than him to explain to him.
Wisdom is a greatest among the three, whatever you are doing, you need apply wisdom in life, some do Wise truly, but if you don't have knowledge and understanding.
The wisdom is also a wastes.
Examples a husband and wife, one can be wise and don't understand the husband or wife and in marriage you must understand your spouse, you must have the knowledge of how to deal with your spouse, so that there won't be fight.
And you must apply wisdom in everything you do.
To me the three is very important, Even in the bible solomon ask God for the three, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
And in the book of proverbs all through the did not choose one out of the three, he use the three word.
Because he knows we need the three, if you have one or two out of the three, you still need someone to that will help you with the third one.
ok that is a good answer, we need the three, to my point of view you have spoke well ,knowledge is the ability to know something either by purpose or accidentally, you can aquire knowledge in any area at any time, but when we talk about understanding ,let me say this, in ranking they are greater than each other but they can never work without each other,like we are talking about the body in whole and we are asking which is greater among the part of the body,we know that the head is the most important but the head will have problem if any part of the body have problem so what am saying niw is that they are greater and important than each other but they can't really work well without each other.
when we talking about understanding, understanding is the ability to assimilate knowledge, hmmm,you cant call something knowledge or else you know it ,and what you don't understand you can't know it you only have idea or clue, before you can boast of knowing something you have to understand the thing,the reason why we have dull students in our school days is not because they do not have idea or clue of what the teacher is teaching but they don't know it because they find it difficult to take the full details into their memory for applications which is the process of understanding so they can also say they know it.
so we can say KNOWLEDGE is information or a theory and the ability to install it or aquire it is UNDERSTANDING. so this point you should know their level according to my explanation UNDERSTANDING is greater than KNOWLEDGE, so moving forward lets now talk about WISDOM,wisdom is the ability to use the knowledge that you understand in a perfect and upright manner, wisdom guides your decision, you can only be wise base on your decisions,one of the reason why wisdom is the greatest is because sometimes its a matter of life and death it is left to your decision and judgement
Yes, you are right mate, this three things is like body, I agree with you, one will be greater than each others and they need each other have said early in morning.
But to me I think the wisdom is the head of this body, if someone have wisdom he or she will know how to guide he or herself.
And if he or she want to talk, he will apply the wisdom and use knowledge and understand to think and digest it before saying it out.
And if you see notice, solomon the bible as he is using the three, the main one is wisdom like wise David too, he always use wisdom that is why God said his the man after his own heart.
And the is reason is that, david always use the wisdom, whenever he sin to God he will as for forgiveness and he will never commit such offend again.
But to say the truth, the three each other to work perfectly, for your guidance and if someone want to make it life.
The three must be use every time, everybody.
yes that is very true wisdom is the greatest of all, we all need to ask for wisdom to decide our journey in life, talking about Solomon he was a very wise man.
one of the places he used wisdom in the bible was when two women came to him fighting for a child,which one has killed her own child and she want to take a living child.
in life situations like that will arise, and so many people fail in judgement like that and different situations which are complicated.
Get wisdom, Wisdom is the principal thing
Nice one and I must say it is good to see that you know it all already,but of all asking questions is a way of building others to grow up.
My dad do say asking questions don't mean you don't know ,but it is a means of helping others to get knowledge about things they are yet to know and to help the person asking also to have more knowledge too
yes that is very right most time you ask questions for others that dont see from a perspective to also see
there are some people that they dont really think about some certain matter with they need, just because their mind is not there,
but when questions are raised in that area then they now think that this thing they need it. sometimes questions are just an alarm system for some people, and increase of knowledge to some and change of mind set and conviction to some
Yes, it is true all parents do that for their children, because they want to know, maybe the children to know more than them or to know maybe you are a good child.
They always use it wisdom to test your knowledge and understanding as a child and if you answer well, they will tell you and if you did not they will also tell you.
And they will make sure they hide their own to yours, so that you will know more than your mate.
Good day man. Quite a thoughtful question. A combination of these three is very important in anyone's life. But going by your question and if I'm to pick one ahead, I will go for the wisdom as I believe it stands a little bit ahead of the rest.
The scripture says wisdom is the principal Proverbs 4:7. This attribute offers certain form of direction and I believe we all need that in anything we do in this life.
Other two are also quite good but without wisdom, knowledge and understanding only matter little. The other two seems useless and fruitless in certain situations. This is the reason you see certain men of understanding and knowledge gets into certain situation that is beyond their control because they lack wisdom to act at the right time.
Life is not about knowing and understanding , it about acting and been in the right place at the right time, acting in certain manner at the appropriate time. Basically doing things at the right time.
In reality all are good at the appropriate measure, to avoid any imbalance. If I am to rank them, wisdom First, understanding comes second and then knowledge.
i am highly amazed with your comment to this question, i really love it, life 8s not only about knowing things but know what to do, where to be and acting at the right time
this answer is wonder i dont think this very answer can cause imbalance it is highly acceptable
wow you have said it all especially with the bible verse you use to back up your comment.
this is a good and challenging question and i think this is the beauty of this platform.
Great topic from you friend!
the three are very important because
If you have Knowledge and no wisdom and understanding you are not a complete human being
Because as man that want to get married which you know that your wife was trained from different home and you guys want be leaving as one, you will surely pray for God wisdom from above to understand your wife.
Which you're already have the marriage knowledge.
with this small explanation you can see that wisdom is the greatest among the others
Though the three are very important but wisdom important most among the three
Thanks for this topic
you are welcome, and thank you for your contribution also, you are very right about this point
Thank you for your feedback!
I love this topic which I can say is the topic of the day.
Looking for more fantastic topic
Good job done!
am highly honoured, for sure i am coming up with another topic tomorrow i have it prepared already, watch out.
Great to here that from you friend! Which am really ready for the topic and also be glad if the topic make me to speak all of my mind in that of your in coming topic
Am watching out for it
Nice weekend
well said. the truth but for me i still strongly believe others can be achieved after get understanding.
Waoo I'm so intrested in this your question I believe slot are going to learn here first I will love to answer it in ascending order just to give a full understanding of it the way I understand it..
Understanding, firstly I will like to explain what it means by understanding in it simple form is a psychological concept in relating to an obstacle that is getting use to how things is being done..
Knowledge : their are not much different from each other as Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts
Lastly which is wisdom the Bible called is the principal thing to me I agree with it because it carry both the understanding and knowledge..
And why is wisdom or sagacity sound so important because is the ability to think and take a reasonable action using understanding and knowledge that is the mostly reason when you see people with wisdom you like it when their talk
In conclusion I will like to say it that Wisdom is the master of because of the position it stand and it carry all the other listed below to carryout it action
i also agree with you that wisdomis the ability to think and take a reasonable action using understanding and knowledge and most especially the perfect timing to take those actions
Waoo this is an interesting contribution from you and I'm really gland to heard some vital information to that will really help me from you own point
As you say wisdom is the principal thing ,I can now see why is called the principal thing just becaise is the master of all and it carries all the our part alone with him
Understanding and knowledge are so useful in the part of wisdom because those are the weapon she uses before taking are fina decision
That is the most reason why a person with sagacity must really be appreciated because their are reare and can not be found everywhere
Very interesting question! I find it very hard to pick only one as I believe they all complement each other!
I believe they are all equally important and they compliment each other since they all have different functions.
Yeah man they have different functions which they are very important in the life of human being because there is a man that says "you can achieved other if you have knowledge"meaning knowledge without understanding please tell me how can you ask for wisdom from above? Good one mate
Exactly, they all work hand in hand so having all three is the best thing
Definitely ,but on a contrary I must say I don't see any as superior among them , cause they are all useful and without one among all,I see life as useless to such being
So it is vital that someone must posses all and just like a saying,it is not a crime if you don't everything,but at least you must know something about everything
The reason why one is superior is because anything that is not common to most people can be considered as superior ,
people have knowledge because you gain knowledge on daily basis but lesser people have understanding and people with wisdom are few wisdom is the principal thing
What is the place is the place of understanding when you don't have knowledge about a particular thing,am not trying to shift your brain mate,but I always like when people are able to convince me or even confused me with their point ,it is true that you have actually build your self on a basis of understanding ,which is good to me.
You don't have understanding about what you don't knw and that is why assumptions are put lot of people into problems today, arguably your might be right from your end,but I don't really concur to one way traffic of thinking mate.
I strongly stand by words that they works hand in hand with each other and if I want to come with the comments that have read on this Post where some said that was what Solomon too asked for in the Bible,I will say it means he didn't set aside any as superior I guess.
They are brother's and sisters mates one becomes useless when you are lacking one out of it,you can't make use of one alone without the help of the other.
Have fun and enjoy your weekend
fantastic question but for me i think all of them is important but I think understanding is the root of getting the wisdom an knowledge.
though sometimes it can be hard to separate the three concept.
fantastic idea but i think @jersteemit has said it all by giving a scriptural passage to support his point that wisdom is the best to get.
this is a fantastic question anyway and it is really challenging
yes , i also agree with the answer it was great
for me i this understanding is the greatest because you cant be wise if you dont understand situations
Are we living a world of distraction such that we like something we fall for it and it can become regret of life? Like say at first I liked communism and then later realized the danger of it when I started following people like Gary vaynerchuk I became more active and happy instead of communist. I regret even falling for atheists and communists group. So is it possible that trends that internet, society comes up with are often traps for people? and following them leads to regret and unhappiness?
I'm also happy for you for amending you way before it is too late and I believe you are enjoying it now yourself many will learn from you mistake thanks for sharing
The world alone should be what we should call distraction himself, what is distraction this is when you are being delay from you normal way of life
And when this happens it normally lead to a regret that is when correction can not be made again I prayer we will never come to that stage..
The point is that one just need to be himself and never allow the action of other to be a worry, I will also like to contribute that in life God time is always the best once you are not worry about mush things you will be less concern about distraction..
Above all the world is full of distractions but one can choose not to be distracted is all depends on our decisions
Live life with no regerts.
(Not my Tat) Source: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/634856911/funny-no-regrets-tattoo
Exactly, Everything happens for a reason ,we get stronger when we challenge our limits..
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.This is actually a very big one and I must say that do happen alot and the funniest part is
that you tend to enjoy such moment for a while , before things later surging out that might cause regret
Stressful day... How is your Saturday going?
Sorry about that. Saturday should be a day of some rest. Guess you had something important to take care of. Mine was cool. Was indoors all through having a me time. Had enough rest after accumulation of stress in my body system after an hectic. Was able to also catch up with some friends on social media and watched some videos. Basically didn't lay my fingers on a thing (yeah I know I can be very lazy on weekends). Overall it was a decent one for me.
Welcome back bro.
Even though this will be my first time on here. I am looking forward to our participation and comments on here. I am excited!!!
Welcome to pobtalk emacomes. Glad you eventually hopped in here. Do well to get your plates full by interacting with existing comments. Hope to see you come here daily. I trust you will enjoy it here. Do well to also ask personal questions or yours if you have any.
Good morning to you all, I believe we have a wonderful dreams and I know some went to party yesternight, hope you have fun.
It is another day, the weekend to continue, some that did not go for party yesterday, will like to go today.
But don't forget that tomorrow is Sunday, so that you won't go to church and be sleeping.
Or you will say you want to rest at home or wash your clothes, please do that today.
So that tomorrow you will go to church to worship God thank him for this week and commit the new week to his hands.
Good day hookup up. Quite a day it was yesterday. All in all the night was awesome. Would love some parties but unfortunately can't go for one now due to certain things. Hope you are having a splendid weekend?
So excited for the weekend. This is my best part of the week has after the stressful week combining the online and offline hustle with little or no rest one get to have some free time to recharge the body system.
Funny how people go the churches and doze off as I have never heard of someone fall asleep in the parties. Guess something must be wrong or something else stopping them from receiving the engrafted words in the churches. I believe it's more than the stress from the parties.
Many often give excuses for failure to be in the house of the Lord due to silly excuses such as this. It's important to worship the Lord in Truth and in Spirit every now and then not only in the Churches but the assembly of the brethren also shouldn't be ignored as many also offer up such excuses. I am sometimes guilty of that ;-) I guess we all need prayers
This one shock me as well that is to tell you that the devil is really at work..alot are not aware of this when you observe the love you have for party is more than the one you have for God it shows something is really wrong....
I don't think we have any reason not to serve God the creator is so faithful all the time intact only God can help us in this wicked world
Yeah. The evil one really working hard top blind the mind of this people from receiving the truth. People however given him the chance has their priorities are wrong, little wonder the scripture says in John 3 v 19, Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. The reason we all need to fight this things ourselves. The violent taketh it by force.
yeah. There are no reasons. I believe we were all created for that purpose, to serve Him and show forth His praise. He will always be faithful no matter what. That is His nature. True, He is our only helper, the reason we must solely rely on help to deliver us from this corrupted world we all find ourselves.
Thanks you all for you contribution and more also for commenting on my post
I agree with you that the devil is already as work and he come to destroy that will why the believers must not relent because we are seriously at the war front and only God can take full charge if our battle
Most especially to the youth now adays are their main target, because their devil knew it that their are the future if of tomorrow
I'm just surprised about what you notice why some people are not sleeping in the party but fun of dosy in the house of God it is all well
Nice with your comment you contribution is really vital bade on what you said I will like to buttress little of those words
The truth of the matter is that we the youth need to be more care because the devil is using different way to distract us and to draw us away from God all we need is just to refuse him because their is no any help he can render to us
Another point I want us to note is that their is nothing that the devil give us that he did not collect double fold just as it is normally said by our fathers that devil will give you cap and take head from you that is to tell you how wicked and dangerous the devil is..
He is running seriously to draw people to him but God is always faithful and good to us by putting him to shame every time..
Their is a place that is already design for him to be which is the hell fire and so their he doesn't want to be their alone and that was why his working seriously to succeed in bring people to him and the people are the youth just as you have started which I strong agree with...
My prayer is that in all our journey of life God will surely intervene and take control in our way to help us.
Thanks mate party is what is certain after the stress of work over the week one just need to make him or her self happy by enjoying the weekend
we can't sleep in the church because the body is already use to the system just that one really need to take enough rest as the weekend will be over to take over another week of work load..
Worshipping God is what I love doing alot one just need to give glory to almight God for giving us another week to conquer despite the stress and some other evil things that as happen within the week is only God that as safe us through and deliver us
Therefore we have every reason to worship and praise is only name ..God is always good to us all the time
Hi Guys. How are you guys doing?
I am excited. All the changes make me excited.
For the last three days I've been having trouble logging into POB (internet in my area), and when I managed to do it, it was only for a few minutes, 3 or 4 comments and that was it.
I just logged in today, with a moderately good connection and ohhh, surprise: advertising in the publications!
Now, I want to know : what is the benefit we all have or individual (I don't know), in relation to this.
If some charitable soul will take pity and explain me, please.
Thank you... (today I woke up a bit rough, I didn't sleep well).
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Hi sindetalles. We good. I trust you are too?. Sorry about the poor internet connection. I can only imagine how frustrating that must have been. Good the network is much better today.
I believe you are talking about the ads on the proof of brain frontend? Correct me if I am wrong. About that ads, there is no benefit to us has individuals. It is just form of revenue to the site. Nothing much. Don't even what it is been used for, but it think it will be going towards burning POB or helping the platform in a way.
Ahhh...thanks for replying. Well, as long as it is for profit and growth there is no problem.
Yesterday's Winners
23 participants - 8 Prizes
100%: @da-prince
87%: @riandeuk
74%: @jesseekene20
61%: @thomashnblum
48%: @mineopoly
35%: @cristina-zac
22%: @pthker2010
9%: @trostnandia.pob
Extra Prize (Ticket)
Congrats to all the winners and looking forward to all the extra ticket draws (end of week, end of month) tonorrow, good luck to all!
May the odds be ever in your favour :-)
Congratulation to all the winner
Congratulations to all winners. Including me that make the list for today
It is a surprise for me because I didn't expecting it 🙏🙏
Congratulation to the winners.
The current participants have all the chances to be among the awardee tomorrow. All the best then.
Congratulations to everyone who made this list and those who make here very interactive. Today is another day, let's keep the engagement lively yet again. Also do well to have a lovely weekend.
Once again I will like to celebrate the winners on the table today I believe the nice people will so some give away.. Lol
Seriously is a fun and I appreciate it when I see you all
congrats to all the winners.
congratulations to the previous winners, it has been a while here ,i was out of the chat due to some personal issues but now am back for good
Hey champions congratulations all,you guys are doing very well and it cool to be on the list once again.
Let keep engaging and wining always
My weekend is short...who else is feeling same?
I felt that way for a long time but now I'm trying something I call "no plans Sunday" where I make absolutely no plans for that day and I just do whatever I please at the moment.
It's been helpful to me.
Ohh that is not a bad one too and let me say at times when will have time table for how our day will go ,at times will end of putting pressure on ourselves and we don't get to achieve that which is in our time table.
I think am giving that too a trial,a no plan Sunday will be very helpful too,trust this is going to be fun
Hahaha this is not funny at all sometimes when you scheduled yourself for something and plan how you spend you day you just realized their is unforeseen circumstances that will make the whole things to get delay
As for me I will say one so always for in plan all this unforeseen circumstances e. g if what you will do will take you two hours you can just additional hours to it
My Saturday went pretty quickly we already have evening here. :)
My weekend is great because it evening gradually here too
Seems quite normal over. Guess you having enough fun or do something over there that makes tick faster. Time flies when you are having fun :-) or time flies when all you do is work. Guess one of the two is responsible hence why it is short for you.
Definitely it is always that short that Monday's due comes quickly every time any irrespective of how short it might sound or look now,we just have to make most out of it,by enjoying it while it last
When ever i interact with the great minds of this community i fell fuifilled and encouraged to engage more and share information that is valid.
Hello Friends, Greetings 😊🙏
World's highest dreams,
broken by just one thing,
"What will People Say.."
To achieve dreams, don't just be sensible
You need to be mad.
Engage and Enjoy the Weekend 👍
not only dreams i think people have killed there happiness for others on this reason. what will people say if we do this.
Sometimes even our parents go against us just because they think what will world say , they don't think about there child happiness will be lost.
Don't know why are we so much worried about people.
I've seen this happen to so many people in my society and it still doesn't make any sense to me. The fact that the parents would choose to fear what the world would say than the happiness of their child
What you said is the truth mate but sometimes our parent knows what their are doing some of them are doing things base on their experiences
Their was a says that what the elders sees and make their eyes to go inside if a child see same things it will make the child to run blind forever..
I believe our parents can not love the society more than us, just that fear them harming us might be there..
Indeed our parents have better experience than us and they understand some things better than we do. However they are some things they can't relate to like we do.
In most cases they love us more than the society but they fear what the society will say more than how it impacts us.
I understand your problem very well , we are suffering from this sickness of what society will say for too long now.
You just speak my state of mind, yes it's true. It really sucks when our parents choose society over our happiness. It's too difficult to convince them. This line really sucks, "What people will think" 😩, damn it.
Good day vikbuddy.
This thing particularly is one thing that has restricted a lot of people from achieving what they ought to have accomplished. People's opinion should matter in things that concerns our dreams. We shouldn't care what people will anyone will say as long as we truly desire to accomplish it. Sometimes we ought ignore what we think people say.
Quite true. we have to be abnormal sometimes in our quest to achieving our dreams. it's okay to be abnormal or mad towards achieving our dreams. No normal person has ever achieved extraordinarily things. We sometimes have to be crazy and mad in our determination and resilience. Have a happy weekend too
Is never a day job to achieve this just like the person that will be the chieftain on the rock will never care about the axe sharpness
It is never easy when it comes to achieve goals is it the enemies we are going to talk about or the obstacles on the ways itself
Just like I normally said that a person with glory will always have an obtstagolise not everyone that smile with you really loves you..
Sorry to be too biblical here, this reminds me of a story of a man Joseph in the house of Jesse have has a dream about is life and how his life journey will be..
He thought he has a brother to share is feelings with but he never knew his brothers will be envy of him until he was disappointed by their action you can see it from here that life is not balance
All I know and believe is that everyone as a dream but who did you share you own dream with only God can help us out..
Wish everyone of us happy weekend as we all continue the enjoyment in the community
True talk, to achieve anything good in life one just need not to fold his or her hand it really enquired slot of hard working and prayer I believe that is how the world is being Design to survive
This is the first time I'm hearing this and I totally agree, the fact is people will talk regarding of what we do. So what people will say shouldn't stop us from getting what we want
Nice words!
Have a great weekend!
It is cool to be here again with you mates and I must say it pleases me to see you here too, trust yesterday was fun for you,keep it up mate and I still on the search for another great tittle for you,cause your words and questions are highly inspiring and motivating always.
Dreams just don't becomes reality by just been sensible or been careful in chasing those dreams,you have to be extra ordinary mad(which I want to believe is focus and determined no matter what happened).
I always believed that life won't give you anything without you working for it in an unusual way and that why I always have this believe that if you want to achieve something in a special way,you need to put in place a special approach too.
A lot of things will come and even look like distraction in achieving or getting your dreams,but you just have to be very focus and even the place of constitency too is very important as not comes easily unless you have given such projects or dreams your very best.
Never for once relent or allow Challenges that comes your way in the process of doing that affect you,you don't becomes a winner by just having big dreams,you become a winner by giving it all the sacrifice that needed .
Understand that your approach too is very vital and important and I must say I strongly agree with you that we need to be very mad in making sure that life didn't play it prank on us,while it comes to chasing our dreams in life.
And we should not forget that I earlier stated that our approach should be different and we should not just be thinking like everyone around us and to that why really love the choice of word you use in asking the question and to me I will say we can achieve everything we hope for in life,but will just have to always have a special way that will differentiate us from others in getting a very sound results in the Chase of our goals in life.
And the romance continues....
You seem to having a good weather over there. Did it eventually rain?
Lol Time 😁
What kinds of Shorts do Clouds wear?
Have fun and Enjoy #spreadsmile