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RE: The Reality During & After the Elections

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Really sad to hear about all these. I hope things don't go as bad as you fear. In the election held in 2015 in Nigeria it also seemed like all hell was going to break lose after the elections but luckily for us it didn't. The incumbent President saved the day and accepted defeat very easily or else things would have most probably exploded. I hope it goes like that too for you guys.

What you said about Jomo Kenyatta I'll like to know if you have any links or articles you can point me to so I can read about this betrayal of his people you mentioned.


I'll gather up what I can and make a post out of it. I am currently relearning what I thought was the history of my beloved country.

Nigeria has tried to hold it together considering y'all surpass us with population ethnic circles and worse, militia activities. I believe if your country was ours, we would have had a genocide already.

Oh, Nigeria have had genocides. From 1966-1970. There was a civil war from 1967-1970 too. Also on so many occasions smaller scale genocides have been happening from then till this day, the more aggressive Northeners who are Islamic are the usual aggressors. The death toll of these genocides is even more than that of Rwanda but like you said the population is more here so it would take more deaths to get close to wiping out a major ethnic group here.

Honestly, I didn't of your bloody history. I should read that... The Rwandan one left a bad taste in my mouth. I'll never understand why we kill each other in this manner!