
in Canna-Curate2 months ago


Good morning, and welcome to today's show. It is Wednesday.
And for me, the beginning of the work week, the good news is it's also the last day of the work week. Basically, what I'm saying is i'm going to work today. Well not like actual work... mystery shopping.. we got a new purchase to pay for. I wish I could show you what it was, but unfortunately it's in another state, soon enough though.

So today, I am driving up to Georgetown, and then working my way back. I have 3 gas stations at 1 dispensary on the list for today's mystery shopping.So roughly a hundred and fifty dollars plus some free weed.. everybody loves free weed..





Good luck with the mystery shopping! I love Roswell, it's a nice place. I've spent some time there in the past and really enjoyed it. Congrats on the new place, not as warm as Yauco but warmer than Denver. Paying cash up front is always a great way to go, I always have too. When I've rented places for a year I preferred paying it all up front and the landlord love it too.

Any particular reason you chose Roswell? It less expensive than and less crowded than other places like Las Cruces and Albuquerque. Very cool!

Property prices are cheap in Roswell.. Albuquerque sucks donkey balls.. Sante Fe and Taos are cool but also cold. We also looked in Artesia and Carlsbad

Albuquerque is a mess anyway, lots of violence and the police themselves are corrupt and part of it. Santa Fe and Taos are awesome, but expensive and cold. I do like Las Cruces, and it's close to El Paso, but it's croweded too. I think Roswell was a smart pick. Big enough to have some decent businesses but not so big that it's expensive.

Yeah I hate Abq... I've never been to Las Cruces.. you ever been to the Gila hot springs?

That's a beautiful place! I haven't been there in a long time now, but great hot spring and you can camp out there too. I don't camp anymore though!

Yeah @partytrout was telling me about it

You would like it, but it's a long trip from Roswell. You have to drive to Silver City and then head north, and it's all mountainous terrain. Worth the trip though!

Ah shit congrats!

I had to go look to see if weed is legal in New Mexico and whsew you are safe.

You had me at free weed but that is great news. Imagine the adventures you will go on there with all those crazies and the red herring alien technology stash!

Any state that is illegal was off the table. I'll not be harassed over a plant

You don't get paid mileage do you? That must eat into the funds a bit with the shitty gas costs...

Well 3 of these shops are ExxonMobil ... I get $4 in free gas at each. Plus $1 reimbursement for a inside purchase... plus the $45 fee

Ahh, there's the secret.