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RE: Check Out This Thumbnail

in Hive Learnerslast year

Hive said you mentioned my name but it looks more like you whispered it along with a bunch of other names like some kind of witchcraft chant spell voodoo donut magic with no K.

Atlas wins because she's cute and because whenever people like me try to spread the news about Hive and share Hive content on facebook they get shadowbanned. When this happens nobody sees any of my posts about anything, hive or otherwise, for weeks at a time until they decide I've learned my lesson. Also nobody believes me, or they whine about crypto being confusing. I really don't know what's so confusing about putting my hive dollars in a savings that generates 20% apr, seems like a no-brainer to me.

Plus I don't have that many friends so I've pretty much told everyone already.

But I agree, wtf wassup wit dat.


I didn't know I'd have this much fun in comments. I mean, I knew it wouldn't suck and I know everything but, ah you know what I mean.

What the heck is up?? I called you Citrus Subie Girl once quite awhile back but I didn't mention you specifically so, joke's on me.

I laughed out loud about the whisper. Good one. I swear autocorrect had loathed out loud. Are you still blending and not sticking out like a sore thumb at all somewhere in Indo Pacific?

Shadowbanned? Like, you can only go outside when it's dark? I've still never been to any of the other ones but each time I hear weird rules like that, it sounds kinda culty.



Did you call me citrus subie girl on hive or just randomly to some stranger in the south when you were passing through?

I'm very much back in the US, I was only a sore thumb for a week. I have plans to go and look super white again in the future, though. I miss my brother and new sister and I miss the seriously nutritious food.

Shadowbanned like you can only post in the dark and people can only see the posts if their phones are off.

Atlas almost looks like a Malinois in that picture, but I don't know if she'll take that as a compliment or not so don't tell her I said that. She pretty.

On Hive of course. Really freaks people out, ladies particularly, when I invade their space in public with random nicknames they've never heard and, soon as they learn I know what they drive, shit just escalates.

Japan is still on the to-do list. I've always wanted to go there. So is North Korea and China. I hear between the two, you're totally fucked and won't get out unscathed so I wanna go get the scoop and relay my feelings.

Still a hard pass on Somalia.

When we go to really public places, mainly practice and training like Lowe's or a restaurant or something, she'll get mistaken for a Malinois at least once.

Always a pleasure when you stop by.

What about Vietnam? My cousin's ltgf is Vietnamese and I want to make us all go there together.

Definitely go to Japan. Maybe you two will go when I go and we can meet up and go ice skating or get yakitori. I have a 50 yen piece that I put on a chain and have been wearing around my neck ever since I got back because I wish I could be in both places at once. Japan is straight-up neat-o.

Ok, well, if whatever I'm about to say is mistaken for something it doesn't say, I've never really hung out with someone who wears fiat around their neck and I'm kinda trippin out now like should I put a period right here or back there a little further or just run a couple commas and call it good or none of the above (question mark).

Vietnam, fuck yes. Way up on the priority list. Really, can see us visiting in the next couple years.

Also, put Cambodia on your list. We've never been there, either, but during our travels as we'd make new acquaintances traveliving similarly to what we were, I'd ask their favorite place.

I only heard the same place twice, once—Cambodia. Totally different people in different parts of the world but their description was magic. ~poof

It's not a car it's a coin. Period.

Oh yeah Cambodia, the forest temples. Damn it. How am I gonna get all these places visited and still go to the places I want to go to again????