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RE: Shorter Weeks, Bigger Results: Is It Possible?

in Hive Learners2 months ago

I agree with everything you say. Most companies do not apply this and would be much more productive if they were better organized with working hours. The schedule as we know it, is not the one that works best, when I worked in person I could spend hours sitting at my desk doing nothing because no work came in or because the bosses did not order the projects we had to do properly. I agree that less hours equals more work, productivity should be organized based on that and not so much on meeting a schedule of 8 hours a day. Excellent contribution @manclar 🤗.

 2 months ago  

The current paradigm needs to change a lot. The question is learning to change consciences, educating those businessmen who do not want to change in favor of their workforce.

And well, there are many types of bosses, when they have a lot of money, some do not take care of monitoring their businesses.