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RE: Thursday-on-Wednesday walk! Lololol

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago



That is crazy talk.

We might get snow Christmas night. Some kind of freak “ARCTIC BLAST” is headed our way. The freak part is not so much the snow, but the frigid temperatures. Like Monday’s high in Seattle is only supposed to be 21 with a low of 14.


Have the Merriest Christmas Dreemy! ❤️💚❤️


why do they hate me?????

It's raining right now but i expect to wake up to snow in the morning. now.... "I'm dreeeeeming of a Whiiiiiiiiite Christmassssss" is in my head and seeing as how that would actually be very cozy and lovely and all that... and we don't have to drive anywhere and its kinda nice to be imprisoned for 3 days or so.... THEN THAT'S OK.

but as soon as the 3 days are up - YOU TELL IT TO GO AWAY FINNEY!!!! hahahahaahahah

Merry Christmas to you too my sweet Finney love! hehehehehe

oh my gosh that's hilarious - it changed the number to 1

instead of 22. hahahahahaha

cuz of the code LOL

any number you put in first comes up as one! hahaha

it was supposed to say 22. hahahahaahah