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RE: Jordanian bathing in the Aegean Sea ... #TheLongestTrip

in Wednesday Walklast year

When a person sits at home due to illness, he feels as if he has been ill for a long time. And when the mind becomes tense, it is better that even if we are mildly ill, we should go to such places. Good to see you are back to your normal life again. You have shared very great and amazing places with us. Overall your photography is awesome but first picture is my favorite in your photography. Clouds and sun are giving a completely different view. I really enjoy your trip. Thanks for sharing.


When a person is sick, he is forced to stop his usual life. As a rule, overwork or stress is the cause of our illness. If we calm down and relax, we prayerfully and gratefully allow our divine immunity to quickly restore the lost balance. Wisdom increases during illness!