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RE: Ask Anime Week #34: What's the most overused character archetype?

in The Anime Realm3 months ago (edited)

A sad and polite girl who is usually quite calm, but her body has some strongly sexual element. Although it hasn't bothered me for a long time, it was the element that irritated me the most for a long time. At the time I thought it was because she was a calm character, but after a discussion with my friends I realized that only this one heroine archetype irritated me and other characters of this type were less irritating. Why does he piss me off? Because 95% of what she says is repeating the protagonist's name. Because she has absolutely nothing in common with the protagonist, and in the end they are married. Because she does it so clumsily that almost every time the main character is surprised that this is what she meant. And usually it doesn't contribute anything to the story, at most it serves as a MC Guffin (an item that everyone runs after because it has an important meaning).

Like Hinata (Naruto) or Orihime (Bleach).