
I'm glad you liked it! I was only getting crappy outputs for the last 3 days, and suddenly it gave me this nice stuff haha... you know how whimsical is this AI hehe

Regards and !PIZZA!

I am starting to find out... hahaha I am still looking for a notebook that has the cell for animating the outcome where it zooms and rotates. I found one but i think it wants you to use dropbox or something and the code didn't work for me... anyways, i found a bypass of sorts to get longer running video outputs.

If i run the prompt cycle once... i make a video of the end result. I save the last image of the run... and use that png as the initial start for the second run. I just did it yesterday for the first time and it works well. I had three mp4s that i spliced together in a video editor and made one longer video out of the three. It saves time on the iterations and it can be tweeked slightly along the way from prompt to prompt.

Thanks for the Pizza dude!

Well, I was fixing the notebook with extra video features... many stuff was not working, and the sources to download the models needs to be replaced, as they are down often. But got distracted with another stuff and real life.

About get longer videos, what was your problem? videos got shorter than should? If is that, in the code of the video cell, you can set the maximum length of the video, in seconds.

I'll try to get that notebook fixed and share it with you... but at the moment I'm trying to understand another notebook that gives far better results... but it gives me the same result for the same prompt... always, it doesn't matter how many times I run the stuff again and again. Also it has tons of custom code... I don't understand a shit lol

That's funny/not-funny... hahhaa. I don't understand shit either. I should probably study up on some python basics just to understand the errors while i am waiting on the iterations.

The videos weren't shorter... i just didn't want to wait or use up my gpu time on the free one. Since i am out of my home country i can't set up the extra google accounts.

No pressure or rush on getting the notebook fixed. Feel free to share any notebooks anytime though. I don't know enough to be helpful yet but any and all sharing is caring. =) Take care of real life first and deal with the extra (ai) curricular when it suits you.

Oh ok so the problem with the videos wasn't it's length. I have that problem at beginning until found where to change the settings.

And yeah, no pressure. At the moment I feel more interested on improve the overall quality of the images, rather than the extra video options. That's why have spent the time in this notebook that I have found, and have put the video one in pause.

See, I have made another demon... with the notebook I'm talking about. The improvement in the fine detail and a more organic looking is pretty nice. But that's all, is gonna make the same image again and again... with little changes, but let's say that almost everything gonna be the same.


This is the notebook that I'm talking about: MSE Regularized

I think that @nikv and @dbddv01 might be interested in take a look at it, as well.

Update: Oh ok, I'm a moron. I'm getting always the same image because the seed is the same, each time. Here you have to change it manually, in the "Args" cell, unlike other notebooks where it is generated randomly. Mystery solved, have fun!

Thank you @jotakrevs!
Lol I had fun finding where to change that. It's not a very human friendly interface, thank god I can read code and I'm testing it now

You're welcome @nikv, read at the bottom of my previous comment, I have add an update!

I think that -1 is to randomize the seed generation process. =)

Oh lol true... I forgot that, is how it comes in most of the regular notebooks. Thank you!

At end the -1 is not working, I think this notebook overrides many stuff due the custom functions, and I don't see they have implemented a randomizer, so the -1 seems that is like a regular seed number, so every time the notebook delivers something that is almost the same as before.

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