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RE: Shower thoughts on blogging

in ArtBees3 years ago


It is declared on the internet, so it must be so!

But yes, I have had that thought process as well. Doing some content creation as a side gig.

The problem with a lot of people's mindset is that somewhere, they've convinced themselves that they are artists, content creators, of the utmost seriousness. When reality, they are just personal thoughts and scribbles.

I think it's nice people can be compensated for their thoughts. However, it is somewhat disturbing to me that some people's full time job is "get paid to shitpost". You can blame their economic situation, etc. if you want. At the end of the day, it's not improving the foundation of their lives.

It's only a lifeline that can disappear on them at any time. And the time they spent putting themselves in carnal security? Well, I won't go too deep into that.


The problem with a lot of people's mindset is that somewhere, they've convinced themselves that they are artists, content creators, of the utmost seriousness. When reality, they are just personal thoughts and scribbles.

It's cringe on some levels that they get the posting rewards get into their heads. Some of these people haven't seen the bigger ocean out these where their works get barely any notice at the current skill set. Even pros need to rack up some public relations to get anywhere and these are the types that would dominate the art content scene here.

If the newcomers that have an established artstation profiles put in some work on their network, they'd starve the amateurs out for attention.

However, it is somewhat disturbing to me that some people's full time job is "get paid to shitpost". You can blame their economic situation, etc. if you want. At the end of the day, it's not improving the foundation of their lives.

True, more money doesn't solve money problems if it's caused by their own financial mismanagement. Not like being paid to shitpost is going to teach someone finance lessons.

It's only a lifeline that can disappear on them at any time. And the time they spent putting themselves in carnal security?

That type of content has an expiration date when their skin gets pruny. They'll realize getting respect is more important during the old age and when life review comes, they'd start pondering what they could've done different. Taking care of the old age at some nursing home makes you hear stories from make believe. When dementia sets in, they come up with fantastic stories of what their lives could have been if they pursued what they want. But that's way off from your comment, I ramble again.

I must be comatose when I wrote that paragraph in your first quote. I really didn't think I wrote it, but dang, I did...

But yeah, the unrealistic expectation is so high, it's ridiculous. They think it's the whales', etc. they went unnoticed when it's much harsher out in the non-crypto world.

One of the things @someguy123 told me when I started on this chain was that it's many times easier to get noticed than the mainstream. It makes you wonder if it's the complainers' first time on the internet, or social media, in general.

I really didn't think I wrote it, but dang, I did...

I'm as surprised as you. I thought I was more likely to make such statements first like it's a norm. It's not far from the truth.

It makes you wonder if it's the complainers' first time on the internet, or social media, in general.

We're in a social bubble and anyone who is anybody can know everybody if they stay long enough and browse multiple communities, get involved and lurk. I haven't been exploring other languages but from the authors that use English as their main language, it's not hard to run into the same names frequently.

I knew self marketing was a steep climb but Hive and the old blockchain made the hobby worthwhile with some monetary incentives. I tried dipping into other social media with the current skill set, not a surprise and was within expectation, I get little to no notice from strangers.

May have to put in more work like being vested on the communities within those platforms but it's a long term project to even reach levels where an artstyle can be so signature enough that it markets for you.