Smoke That Made Me Cry [Es-En]

in Freewriterslast year

Animated Earth Hour Motivational Video  (1).gif


That afternoon, after returning from work, I realized the damage that my big company was doing to the planet, I saw all those toxic emissions coming out of the chimneys of each of the furnaces. That day something inside me changed, the vision of how I really wanted to make money, I did not want to leave a damaged planet to my offspring, like my children, I had to find a solution, both to serve my employees and this great planet that has given me a place to dream big.

My industry was a cement factory, I asked to investigate much more about what negative things that had my greatest achievement, one of the most regrettable, many of the chemicals, along with the dust of some rocks, deteriorated the health of slow and contiguous form of my valued workers; I decided to change everything we did, it was a long time to become a recycling company, my income fell 30%, although it did not bother me, because taking care of this portion of land, worth more than all the money I would have throughout my short life.

Those words that my son told me months ago, resonated so much that I could not stay with my arms crossed, I remember it so well "Every day there are less species on earth and all because of the big industries", I imagine that he will have heard it from his teacher in class; although as he is a little boy, he would have no idea how his father got so much money at the end of each month, I hope that in a distant future he will feel proud of his father.




Esa tarde, luego de regresar del trabajo, me di cuenta el daño que le estaba haciendo mi gran empresa al planeta, vi todas esas emisiones tóxicas que salían de las chimeneas de cada uno de los hornos. Ese día algo dentro de mi cambio, la visión de como realmente quería ganar dinero, no quería dejarle un planeta dañado a mi descendencia, como la de mis hijos, debía de buscar una solución, tanto que sirvieras a mis empleados como a este gran planeta que me ha dado un lugar para soñar en grande.

Mi industria era una fábrica de cemento, pedí investigar mucho más sobre que cosas negativas que tenía mi mayor logro, una de las más lamentables, muchos de los químicos, junto con el polvillo de algunas rocas, deterioraban la salud de forma lenta y contigua de mis apreciados trabajadores; decidí cambiar todo lo que hacíamos, fue un largo tiempo para convertirnos en una empresa recicladora, mis ingresos bajaron un 30%, aunque no me molesto, ya que cuidar esta porción de tierra, vale más que todo el dinero que tendría a lo largo de mi corta vida.

Esas palabras que me dijo mi hijo haces meses atrás, resonaron tanto que no podía quedarme con los brazos cruzados, la recuerdo tan bien "Cada día existen menos especies en la tierra y todo por culpa de las grandes industrias", imagino que él la abra escuchado decir de su maestra en clases; aunque como es un niño pequeño, él no tendría idea como su padre obtenía tanto dinero a final de cada mes, espero que en un futuro lejano se sienta orgulloso de su padre.



So what did the father change? Did he close down the factory or changed his lifestyle?

Thank you for joining pic1000.👍

hello, sorry I had not responded, the father realized that he had to change everything to continue progressing and have a better planet.