A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words // Una Imagen Vale más que Mil Palabras

in Freewriters3 years ago



Nature is Our Responsibility

What I see = Ecosystem, Balance, Ecency
What I feel = Responsibility

The indiscriminate use of natural resources today takes its toll on us and as a result we have untimely or very extended seasonal cycles, which are sometimes fiercer than usual, very pronounced droughts, brutal pollution of aquatic bodies and oxygen contamination due to CO² emissions, which in part motivate the emergence of new diseases, which aggravates the problems of public health.

Preserving nature has become an urgency given the excessive development of human society, hence the importance of finding a philosophical response that allows its conservation. This would be possible if ethics were based on responsibility and not on reciprocity as it has been until now.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that as conscious beings, nature is our responsibility and it is important to conserve it. Nature as well as non-human beings.

We are part of the totality of nature, so we must be aware and take action. It is in our hands, as individuals and as a society, to create habits that are compatible with the natural environment, forming a chain of cultural transmission in a loving way, making it a culture to take care of the environment, to uproot one tree and plant two, etc. (...) in order to end this unbalanced relationship between man and nature, so that man and the world can continue to exist in a close human-nature relationship, two realities of a single value. An action based on reason. If the world disappears, man disappears.

Why take care of nature?

Because man is part of it, and as the only rational being he must take care of it.

Because if nature is bad, so is man.

Because life and all its beings (humans, animals, plants, landscapes, etc.) have value in themselves.

Because it is a source of resources that serve human purposes.

Thus the conclusion is reached that we must take advantage of nature without overexploiting and destroying it, because it is part of our existence.


La Naturaleza es Nuestra Responsabilidad

Lo que veo = Ecosistema, Balance, Ecencia
Lo que siento = Responsabilidad

La afectación indiscriminada de los recursos naturales hoy nos pasa factura y como resultado tenemos ciclos estacionales a destiempo o muy extendidos, siendo, en ocasiones más feroces que de costumbre, sequías muy pronunciadas, la contaminación brutal de los cuerpos acuáticos y la contaminación del oxígeno a causas de las emisiones de (CO²) que en parte, motivan el surgimiento, ademas, de nuevas enfermedades, lo que agudiza el problemas sobre la salud pública.

Preservar la naturaleza se ha vuelto una urgencia dado el desmesurado desarrollo de la sociedad humana, por ello la importancia de hallar una respuesta filosófica que permita su conservación. Esto sería posible si la ética se fundara en la responsabilidad y no en la reciprocidad como lo ha sido hasta ahora.

Por ende es necesario entender y dar entender que como seres concientes la naturaleza es nuestra responsabilidad y es importante conservarla. La naturaleza como a los seres no-humanos.

Somos parte de la totalidad de de la naturaleza debemos entonces ser conscientes e ir a la acción en nuestra manos está el que, como individuos y como sociedad crear hábitos compatibles con el entorno natural formando una cadena de transmisión cultural de manera amorosa, que sea cultura el cuidar del ambiente arrancar un árbol y sembrar dos etc (...) para así acabar con esta relación desequilibrada existente entre el hombre y la naturaleza y así el hombre y el mundo puedan seguir existiendo en una estrecha relación humano-naturaleza dos realidades de un solo valor. Una acción sustentada en la razón. Desaparece el mundo desaparece el hombre.

¿Porque cuidar de la naturaleza?

Porque el hombre forma parte de ella, y como único ser racional debe cuidarla.

Porque si la naturaleza está mal, el hombre también lo está.

Porque la vida y todos sus seres (humanos, animales, vegetales, paisajes, etc.) tienen valor por sí mismos.

Porque es fuente de recursos que sirven a los propósitos humanos.

Así pues se llega a la conclusión de que debemos aprovechar la naturaleza sin explotarla excesivamente y destruirla, porque es parte de nuestra existencia.

IMG by @gupzo2

"Cuidar el Planeta es lo Ecencial"


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nature is our responsibility and it is important to conserve it.

Definitely nature is our responsibility but today there are many pollution's e everywhere, people are coming up with one building or the other and falling tress are no longer see as anything. Just for their selfish interest, you see more of buildings and less tress, more pollution less fresh air. Why won't Corona have it's way and ruin the lives of many, climate condition is getting worse on a daily basis but then it's still not realized by humans

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