The Bird 🐦 Will Fly In The Sky

in Freewriters2 years ago


It's impossible to stop a sun from rising, it's also impossible to stop a bird from flying in the sky. No matter how much you try, the bird will fly one day. Never use your position to kill people dream because one day you will need there support.

Life is very short, it's a game of dice, today it may favour you, tomorrow it may be against you.

Try to get the best out of life by guilding people to success. You can't be successful without a successor, There is no joy if someone fail. Try help someone to achieve there dream.


There are thousands of people around you that need your help. Supporting people dream can be in different form like giving of money, giving advice, mentorship, giving material that help you achieve your dream.

Been successful on hive block chain, you need support and mentorship. Currently now am going through hard time on this platform, my contact is always down voted for plagiarism because of the offense I committed long time ago. Right now I need help to get out of this problem.


Hive is a good platform, to share good, original and quality content. Hive as given it users opportunity to earn from content they creat.


@nathanpieters @adamada @spaminator @chicoduro @unipug
I will be glad if I can get mentorship from you guys. Some times people fucked up in life but try to give them a second chance. The devil you know yesterday may turn out to be the angel tomorrow, don't forget a rejected stone can be the pillar of the house .I may have fucked up on this platform in times pass, but am a change person creating good and quality content without plagiarism. Right now I feel like a rejected stone.I have made up my mind that I won't give up, I will keep creating good and quality content without plagiarism. I admit my wrong doing and I stand against plagiarism.


This content is barely finance related so please read the Leofinance guidelines

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't mentor someone who doesn't understand the basic concept of cause and effect.