Its Daily freewrite writing prompt "ear brush"
The silence surrounding Lena was broken by an odd sensation in her ear so she rose from the window to clean her ear with the tool on the nearby table. She took an ear brush from the table surface to clean her ear gently.
She cleared away the ear itching while hearing gentle musical tones which seemed to whisper their words. She looked around yet saw no person standing nearby.
The listening ear narrowed until it became her entire focus on hearing the murmur. The whispering sounds sharpened into audibile words. "Follow the wind," they said.
Heart pounding, she stepped outside. A gentle evening airflow led her to an age-old oak tree located in the very backyard where she stood. There she discovered a tiny aging box concealed under the dust.
The letter from her grandmother contained forgotten memories and displays of love that lay hidden in the box. An ear brush led her to an important message which had been sent in the past.
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