5 Minute Freewrite: we are almost extinct

in Freewriters10 months ago

Find the prompt here: https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@daily.prompt/mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-day-2095-we-are-almost-extinct

We are almost extinct, thought the little bunny. Must breed, thought the bunny. And so the bunny bred and bred and bread and made many loaves and covered the whole world in toast.

We are almost extint. Colorless. The world has gone grey and black and white and everyone is one and happy for once.

We are almost extinct. We are almost extinct. Car passing by on the street. Trying not to stop myself when I make typos, trying not to correct typos, feels very unnatural see there's oh wait never mind. Keep writing, yeah, no, can't not correct mistakes. I mean, I did above and made it into a thing but if it's not easily made into a thing then I just fix it, fix it, fix it like blix it.

We are almost extinct. Tinct. Tincture. A tincture for you, my dearie? A little love potion perhaps? Maybe a truth serum? Forever young blood? What's your pleasure, dearie, it takes only your soul! Mwahahaha. Lochlan has the best evil cackle.

We are almost extinct. Right round this time or nother I start to wonder when that thar timer is gonna dingalingaling. One of my most calming, serene memories is when I would bring in the horses at my Spanish tutor's place. I'd walk up this steep hill through some woods into an open meadow that felt so cut off from the rest of the world and it was magical.


Oh wow. That last sentence. Was that really your life? Or..the second to last sentence, I mean.