The noise from all the screaming woke me up from my sleep.
I thought it was a dream. It wasn't.
They noise continued and it got louder. I dragged myself off the bed. The neighbors are it again. I hope I finally raise enough money to move out of here.
But it wasn't the neighbors. It was my friend and roommate. I hurried my footsteps to door to know what was wrong.
An old lady whose voice I had been hearing kept on raving and insulting my friend. Her daughter stood behind her terrified. My friend was calm. She was apologizing in a low voice.
"Ma'am, from now on, I will not try to resolve others problems until they ask me for help. I am sorry I interfered in the issue." Ada said.
"Sorry for your life!" She shouted.
"You prostitutes! No wonder they live alone." She added.
She dragged her daughter who was making an apology gesture to my friend as they left.
I watched horrified and disgusted by the woman's attitude.
"Are you okay?"
"Did she hit you?" I asked, worried I had been sleeping while the old witch was harassing her.
"I am okay."
" Just really surprised at the whole situation" she replied.
"What was all that about?"
We went inside the house while I waited patiently for her to speak. She knew I wanted to know what happened.
"Everything is against a woman in the this country. The worst is that women are against women." She finally said.
"I am still in shock that a mother would rather want her daughter to stay with a husband who hits her than go back to her parents home"
I could hear the pain in her voice. The pain wasn't directly for her. But for the daughter who had to go back to her violent husband.
She stared at me and said "We need to move from here Dera. I can't watch that monster hit her and do nothing"
I moved closer and gave her a tight hug.
"We will" I whispered.
There was a rattling coming from the kitchen,"it was the dumb old cat" Ada brought home.
"He's homeless" she had said to make me agree in keeping him.
She can't stand anyone in a helpless situation, sometimes they are humans. Sometimes are animals.
There was a rapid knock on the door,"the knock on the door" made us break the hug.
We stared at each other.
"She came back?" I said, bewildered.
"I am going to give her a piece of my mind, I don't care if she's an elder."
I stood up and charged towards the door and Ada followed immediately telling me not to get in a brawl with her.
I slide the door hook to reveal the person at the door.
But there she was, the daughter, she came back... With her luggages
Ada smiled, she was pleased at her decision. I wasn't smiling. We're taking in another stray.
Thank you for reading.
Picture source: pixabay
Using the three weekend prompts. (Prompts are boldly highlited in the story)
The 5 minutes daily freewrites prompt, courtesy of @freewritehouse @mariannewest
sometimes we have to take in strays to help someone or something have a new life.
Ada has a big heart. Big enough for the world in my opinion. Haha Dera isn't more stray and maybe more to come.