Day 1502: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: high temperature

in Freewriters2 years ago

During the fire Abel was subjected to high temperatures. When he was rescued he had severe dehydration, heat syncope, arrhythmias, and uncontrollable cramps.

Firefighters were slow to arrive, the office was so hot that by the time they rescued Abel he was almost without vital signs. It was a miracle to have been saved. He was hospitalized in the Burn Unit, as part of his body was burned. They were waiting for the plastic skin surgeon to see what steps to take to recover part of Abel's skin lost during the fire.

Abel's wife dedicated herself body and soul to the care of her husband. Abel spent 7 months in the hospital. Some wounds from the burn became infected and it was advised by the doctors that Abel should not go home.

A year after the fire, Abel was already at home, with respiratory sequelae that he would gradually overcome as he recovered completely. Abel was compensated by the company where he worked. His wife started a candy and natural beverages business. Every day they were closer and managed to get ahead. Abel and his wife walked every afternoon with their children and their dog around their house.


Durante el incendio Abel fue sometido a alta temperatura. Cuando fue rescatado presentaba una marcada deshidrataciòn, sincope por calor, arritmias, y calambres incontrolables.

Los bomberos tardaron en venir, el calentamiento de la oficina fue a tal punto que cuando rescataron Abel casi estaba sin signos vitales. Fue un milagro haberse salvado. Fue hospitalizado en la Unidad de Quemados, ya que una parte de su cuerpo fue quemada. Esperaban al cirujano plàstico de piel, para ver cuales eran los pasos a seguir para recuperar parte de la piel de Abel pèrdida durante el incendio.

La esposa de Abel se dedicò en cuerpo y alma atender a su esposo. Abel paso 7 meses en el hospital. Algunas heridas productos de la quemadura se infectaron y fue aconsejable por los mèdicos que Abel no se fuera a casa.

Al año del incendiò Abel ya estaba en su casa, con secuelas respiratorias que poco a poco iria venciendo al recuperarse totalmente. Abel fue indemnizado por la empresa donde trabajaba. Su esposa se dedico a emprender un negocio de dulces y bebidas naturales. Cada dìa fueron màs unidos y lograron salir adelante. Abel y su esposa paseaban todas las tardes junto a sus hijos y su perro por los alrededores de su casa.


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