Da li nam treba kontrola nad svim dešavanjima u svakodnevici🤔Do we need control over all the happenings in everyday life

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo svima divni ljudi
Ovo jutro mi je krenulo prilično haotično,medjutim mnogo se dobro osećam🤔
Stariji sin kasni na posao,i mnogo se ne potresa.🧘‍♂️Mladji ustaje u zadnji momenat seda na biciklo i odlazi u školu 🚴‍♂️,smiren.
Ćerkica kuka što mora u školu,hoće samo kod kuće da uči,i odbija da ima 4 časa jer predugo traju😐.Odvodim je u školu,kiša počinje,ali ja se ne nerviram🙂



Hello all wonderful people
This morning started quite chaotic for me, however I feel very good🤔
The older son is late for work, and he doesn't shake much. 🧘‍♂️The younger one gets up at the last moment, gets on his bike and goes to school 🚴‍♂️, calm.
My daughter complains that she has to go to school, she only wants to study at home, and she refuses to have 4 classes because they take too long😐. I take her to school, it starts raining, but I'm not upset🙂


I sad svi su se razišli ka svojim obavezama,a ja shvatim da sam i sama sve podnela prilično mirno .To su bile stvari koje su me ranije dovodile do panike,osećaja nemoći,kao da je sve pogrešno😯 i da sam ja kriva za sve.Ali sada ne.Shvatam da se ovakve stvari dešavaju,nemamo kontrolu uvek i u svemu, i ne treba da je imamo.

And now everyone has gone off to their duties, and I realize that I took everything quite calmly myself. Those were the things that used to make me panic, feeling powerless, as if everything was wrong😯 and that I was to blame for everything .But not now. I understand that things like this happen, we don't have control always and in everything, and we shouldn't have it.


Dobar je osećaj shvatiti da nismo mi odgovorni za tudje postupke.Odgovorni smo za svoje .Ne treba nam kontrola nad rečima i delima bilo koga.Sve što možemo je da izaberemo kako ćemo mi reagovati,nad tim imamo kontrolu.

It's a good feeling to realize that we are not responsible for other people's actions. We are responsible for our own. We don't need control over anyone's words and actions. All we can do is choose how we will react, we have control over that.


Svako uči na način koji mu odgovara,svi odredjujemo sami svoj ritam.Treba raditi samo na sebi,kako biti ponosan na sebe posle neke škakljive situacije .Ne gubiti razum i strpljenje ako neko ne odreaguje onako kako bi mi želeli.Uvek nam ostaje osećaj ponosa na svoje delo🙂

Everyone learns in a way that suits them, we all determine our own rhythm. You should only work on yourself, how to be proud of yourself after some tricky situation. Do not lose your mind and patience if someone does not react the way we would like.There always stays feeling proud of our work🙂


Budite uvek ljubazni,budite ponosni na sebe❤.Izaberite pravi smer vaše reakcije☝️👉👈👆

Always be kind, be proud of yourself❤
Choose the right direction of your reaction☝️👉👈👆


Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.


Everything that happens "outside of us" is neutral.We have no control over situations, reactions, acts or any event coming from outside. We can only work, with great care, discipline and love, on our inner self. As our priority is to pay enough attention to ourselves, to that same extent, we will build, store or strengthen the mental tools to be able to react adequately to the hostile outside, without allowing ourselves to damage or disturb our tranquility and inner peace.

Take care of yourself dear @prudens!

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