Indijana Džouns u Amsterdamu😎🏰Indiana Jones in Amsterdam😎🏰

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Praznici su mi ove godine obeleženi putovanjima, tako da sam iz Dortmunda na jedan dan otišla u prelep Amsterdam.U znaku ovih mojih avantura,morala sam da isprobam i ovaj šešir i da budem pravi avanturista kao Indijana Džouns😎😎

My holidays this year were marked by travel, so I went from Dortmund to beautiful Amsterdam for one day. As a sign of my adventures, I had to try on this hat and be a real adventurer like Indiana Jones😎😎



Iako je zimsko vreme,ovaj grad nikada ne miruje.Kada sam stigla vrvelo je od turista.Uputila sam se ka centru gde su glavna dogadjanja.Nisam mogla da prestanem da razgledam zanimljivu arhitekturu Amsterdama i njihove "plešuće kuće". Oni tako zovu kuće koje se iskrive jer su dole kanali.To nijedna fotografija ne može da dočara.Ove kuće su pretežno iz šesnaestog i sedamnaestog veka.Sve je veoma očuvano i autentično.Uhvatili smo malo sunca tako da sam krstarila i amsterdamskim kanalima,tura je trajala oko sat vremena i doživljaj je fantastičan.

Even though it's winter time, this city never rests. When I arrived it was full of tourists. I headed towards the center where the main events are. I couldn't stop looking at the interesting architecture of Amsterdam and their "dancing houses". That's what they call houses that bend because there are canals below. No photo can convey that. These houses are mostly from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Everything is very well preserved and authentic. We caught some sun so I also cruised the Amsterdam canals, tour lasted about an hour and the experience is fantastic.








Želela sam da posetim i muzej Madam Tiso,ali ulaznice se isključivo kupuju onlajn, a sajt im je bio preopterećen tako da sam fotografisala samo lutke koje su ispred muzeja.Ako nameravate da posetite ovaj veličanstveni grad toplo vam preporučujem da ulaznice za muzeje kupite dosta ranije.

I also wanted to visit the Madame Tussauds museum, but tickets can only be bought online and their website was overloaded, so I only took photos of the dolls in front of the museum. If you intend to visit this magnificent city, I strongly recommend that you buy museum tickets well in advance.




Ulica crvenih fenjera je na mene ostavila zaista jak utisak.Dame koje u izlozima čekaju mušterije,zovu ih,pogađaju se...Naravno,tamo je strogo zabranjeno fotografisanje tako da zbog toga nemam nijednu fotografiju.Da biste videli kako to izgleda moraćete da potražite fotografije na na netu ili da prošetate ovim delom grada.😉Pošto je ovde legalizovana i marihuana,posle šest popodne ceo grad kreće da se oseća na nju,svi motaju travu a često nude turistima i razne druge supstance.

The street of red lanterns left a really special impression on me. The ladies who wait for customers in the windows, call them, guess... Of course, photography is strictly prohibited there, so I don't have any photos for that reason. To see what it looks like, you'll have to look for it. photos on the net or to take a walk in this part of the city. 😉 Since marijuana is also legalized here, after six in the afternoon the whole town starts to feel like marijuana, everyone rolls weed and often offers tourists various other substances.

Jak utisak su naravno na mene ostavili bicikli.Ima ih svuudaa u ogrooomnoom brooju.Parkirani su na svakom mestu na kom je to moguće, a ima i puno velikih parkinga koji su predviđeni baš za njih.Malo je padala i kiša,ali to nije sprečilo ljude da voze bicikle i zaista,to jeste glavno prevozno sredstvo tamo.Kola i gradski prevoz se jako malo koriste.

Of course, the bicycles left a strong impression on me. There are a huge number of them everywhere. They are parked in every possible place, and there are also many large parking lots designed just for them. It rained a little, but that didn't stop people. to ride bicycles and indeed, that is the main means of transport there. Cars and public transport are used very little.





Pošto je jedan dan za ovako sadržajnu destinaciju zaista premalo,nadam se da cu se uskoro vratiti u Amsterdam i posetiti sve muzeje i turističke atrakcije koje nisam uspela da obiđem.Svakako,drago mi je što sam uspela da osetim energiju ovog grada makar na jedan dan,jer je zaista poseban.🥰🥰🥰

Since one day is really too little for such a comprehensive destination, I hope that I will soon return to Amsterdam and visit all the museums and tourist attractions that I did not manage to visit. I am certainly glad that I was able to feel the energy of this city even for one day. , because it is really special.🥰🥰🥰


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Sjajna priča, predivne fotke!

Uživaj !!! 👍👏🫶

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