Kada ste poslednji put voleli sebe? 🤍 🖤 When was the last time you loved yourself?

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge organized by @monochromes in the art of black and white photography in this #BlackAndWhite community.

U životu nije sve crno/belo. Nekada treba čitati izmedju redova.Nekada je ćutanje odgovor. Na to su me potsetile ove crno bele fotografije.

Not everything in life is black/white. Sometimes you have to read between the lines. Sometimes silence is the answer. These black and white photos reminded me of that.



Nekada su boje suvišne. Ove fotografije su nastale u šetnji bez nekog cilja. Takve šetnje su najbolje. Rasterećeni ste od postizanja nečega. Nema vezivanja, nema pitanja i odgovora. Slike i grad su mi se nudile dobrovoljno. Zaključak treba da izvedete sami. Nekada se odgovir krije u tišini. Voda mora da se smiri da bi jasnije videli, zar ne?

Sometimes colors are superfluous. These photos were taken while walking aimlessly. Such walks are the best. You are relieved of achieving something. No strings attached, no questions and answers. The pictures and the city were offered to me voluntarily. You should draw your own conclusions. Sometimes the answer is hidden in the silence. The water has to calm down to see more clearly, right?



Boje nam nekada zamagljuju mogućnost da vidimo jasnije. Kao i reči. Ko gleda spolja- sanja, ko gleda iznutra- budi se.
Život je pun mogućnosti. Često intuicija bolje vidi a misli sve pokvare. Traže razlog, verovatnoću, kalkuliše. A onda shvatimo da smo odgovor imali već na početku.
Prepustite se životu, prepustite se prirodi i svom izvoru od koga smo se udaljili. Dobijamo previše saveta id ljudi koji ni sami ne znaju kuda su krenuli. Život je putovanje a ne cilj.

Colors sometimes obscure our ability to see more clearly. Like words. Who looks from the outside - dreams, who looks from the inside - wakes up.
Life is full of possibilities. Often intuition sees better and thoughts spoil everything. They look for a reason, a probability, they calculate. And then we realize that we already had the answer at the beginning.
Surrender to life, surrender to nature and your source from which we have drifted away. We get too much advice from people who don't even know where they're going. Life is a journey, not a destination.

Ovim osmehom ću vam poželeti lep i sunčan dan.
Za ostalo se potrudite sami, jer u životu i jesmo uvek sami koliko god ljudi imate oko sebe.
Samo hrabro i uporno živite svaki dan. ❤️

With this smile I will wish you a nice and sunny day.
Do the rest yourself, because in life we ​​are always alone no matter how many people you have around you.
Just live each day bravely and persistently. ❤️



Sednite na vrtešku i vrtite se, tek tako. Nemojte previše da kontrolišete život. Najlepše stvari se dese ne planirano i spontano.

Sit on the merry-go-round and spin, just like that. Don't control life too much. The most beautiful things happen unplanned and spontaneously.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Awesome @vragolana
Stvarno dobre fotografije👏👏

thank you dear @prudens . 🌹

Hvala na podršci. ❤️