Probudite ponovo dete u sebi. ☀️🧍‍♀️🧍 Awaken the child in you again.

in BANAT2 years ago

Toliko sam sa decom da više ne znam da se družim sa odraslima. 😂
Radim u školi, zabavljam decu na rodjendanima,kod kuće sam sa decom. Čak i nedeljom kad moje dete nije kod kuće, klinci iz komšiluka ujutru mi zvone sa pitanjem:

  • Ana, hoćeš da se igramo?
  • Hajde. 🤪😆

I am so much with children that I can no longer hang out with adults. 😂
I work at school, I entertain children on birthdays, I am at home with children. Even on Sundays when my child is not at home, the kids from the neighborhood call me in the morning with the question:

  • Anna, do you want to play?
  • Come on. 🤪😆



Završavam odlomkom:

“Deca imaju autentičnu slobodu. Deca su razigrana, radosna i prirodno kreativna. Dok ne porastu, većina deca postanu žrtve „produktivnosti“ i kalupa lepog ponašanja, tako da im ostane samo nostalgija za detinjstvom. Osho kaže: „Doživljaji iz detinjstva proganjaju inteligentne ljude celog života. Svi bi želeli da ponovo osete istu nevinost, isto čudo, istu lepotu.“

Iako se svaka naredna generacija zaklinje, iz najboljih namera, da neće ponavljati greške prethodnika, svaka od njih neizbežno zatiče sebe kako nasleđena ograničenja nameće generacijama koje dolaze.“

“Knjiga o deci”/ Osho


I end with a passage:

"Children have authentic freedom. Children are playful, joyful and naturally creative. Until they grow up, most children become victims of "productivity" and mold of good behavior, so that they are left with only nostalgia for childhood. Osho says: "Childhood experiences haunt intelligent people all their lives. Everyone would like to feel the same innocence again, the same miracle, the same beauty. "

Although each succeeding generation swears, with the best of intentions, that it will not repeat the mistakes of its predecessors, each of them inevitably finds itself imposing inherited restrictions on generations to come. "

"Children's Book" / Osho


Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!