I hope all fares well for your wife and you. Like you I chose not to get the vaccine shot. When my lung collapsed on me they tested me and yes I tested positive for corona, and also had pneumonia, but I am still slowly recovering.
I found it interesting that not long ago the CDC restricted who can get one of the vaccines because of blot clotting issue, which was known and talked about a bit when the first shots were given out, but of course those adverse stories were trampled by the media and government sources.
I'm still not sure if the vaccines are out of the experimental stage yet or not. Corona is survivable with out the vaccine. It effects people differently just like the flu affects people differently.
Try not to over worry about it, and make sure your wife gets plenty of sleep, vitamin C and Zinc.
Have you noticed more middle-aged and older stars dying lately? Retired sports stars too. Ray Liotta died today at 67 in his sleep. Not saying it is caused by the vaccination, but all of these people have been travelling for work, so were vaccinated. My wife has a couple friends in their 40s who have died unexpectedly in the last couple months too. A couple months ago I started noticing it more - but unsure if it is out of the ordinary, since I don't read the news much.
I do not look at the news to much, and stars and sports people are pretty close to the bottom of news that I would watch. I have seen a few of the death stories, but they rarely include covid, unless it was an anti covid vax person that got sick and then died.
I myself could not believe how many people flocked to get the experimental vaccines, and then even after some of the horror stories still went out of their way to get the shot so they could get a free mcdonalds meal or what ever other give away they had running to entice people to get the shots.
sad, isn't it.
People love free stuff...