Positively thinking

in Self Improvement3 years ago

We haven't got the official results yet, but yesterday my wife tested positive for Corona. At the moment at least, she just has a bit of a cough and a flu, with some aches and pains, but nothing too bad. I was away at the time on a work trip, but took the train instead of the bus with the team, so that I could get my affairs in order a little, before coming into the house. Just in case.

My "affairs" are pretty much making sure that the right people have access to the right things in the event of something happening to me and they know what to do to ensure my family are taken care of. Nothing too complicated, but I didn't want to do it on the bus with a whole lot of tired colleagues around.


I am not vaccinated and I am in a couple of risk groups, but I made a very conscious decision about it a couple of years ago and regardless of what happens, I am okay with it. This is the thing with personal choice, isn't it? I find that often people make a decision based on whatever they believe at the time and when it doesn't work out that way, they want to go back and choose again. It is natural of course when results are bad or we are in pain, but it should always be remembered that the decision was made for a reason.

My wife just got the SMS - officially positive.

I wonder though, how many people got vaccinated because they thought it would help, how many so they didn't suffer movement restriction, how many because everyone else was and how many §because they didn't want to look like an idiot if they were wrong. That last one is surprisingly high I suspect, because again - human nature.

I think that this is one of the major reasons that people don't invest into crypto too. The "fear of loss" is mentioned where because it is money related, people think they are scared of losing their investment input. However, I think a major aspect is "losing face" within peer groups or even if it isn't known, feeling like a fool compared to peer groups.

For example, for years I have been talking to people about this and they of course think that I am crazy and yesterday again, I was asked why I am so enthusiastic. They think it is about the money - it is not - the "money" (value) is a potential byproduct of the investment, not the reason for me to be involved with the development of the industry.

How I see it, it is like finding oil in the 1850s - valuable, but nowhere near as valuable as it is now, because at that point, there was not too much of an industry around it and, it wasn't being used in mainstream applications as it is now, for travel and an ingredient in things like plastics. Those who discovered it could definitely make some money, but it was expensive to get involved and very exclusive. I don't think it is called "mining" by accident.

At this point, I strongly believe that the future of crypto is solid, which is why I am spending so much time, effort and money investing into it - but my belief doesn't guarantee anything at all. So, if at some point it is a total failure, there is no point going back and wondering what if, there is only forward.

What is after crypto?

Have you considered what happens if crypto fails? Because as far as I can see - it isn't pretty. The failure of crypto isn't just a lost chance to be wealthy, it is a doubling down on the most oppressive economy that has ever existed, making any future attempt to break free of it, that much harder. That is the alternative and it is not an alternative I want to live, nor want my daughter to have to experience. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Live controlled, die controlled.

What is the meaning of life for you I wonder, because for me, it isn't to live the safest life I can possibly live in order to reach the oldest age. That is just a waste of time in my opinion. If we aren't looking to make an impact of some kind in a way that supports our belief system, what the hell are we living for? This is quite interesting in regards to those of us who make decisions based on the opinions of the group, isn't it?

Tomorrow I will take a Corona test to see if I have to go and get the official one. I hope I get Corona, because if I survive, it makes travel to some countries possible and I wouldn't mind going for a short holiday somewhere in the summer - as Smallsteps has never flown. If I don't make it, then they will need one less ticket.

I will be disappointed I died though.

Ah... that's right...

"Think positive"

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Although we are being told otherwise, the evidence of my own eyes shows that those of us who are not vaccinated get far less sick than those who are. I am happy to hear you're not jabbed, and that you have the courage to say so publicly. Chances are excellent that you will all be fine. I'm going to hang my hat on that.

I see investing in crypto as diversifying. It seems kinda dumb to me to not at least have some money in there, enough to support you for a month or two at least. I remember back when Venezuela first went bad, the only access many people had to food and shelter was via crypto.

I have found the same anecdotally. But, there is also room for bias, where the people who are vaccinated say it is worse than it is. People are hypersensitive now, so even a mild flu is felt as bad.

I think in Vene, many are still surviving because of it today. Funny - what a failure crypto is!

Get your wife well soon. I think that the coronavirus is not that much dangerious anymore. I hope your wife will overcome it in a short time with little symptoms.

what the hell are we living for?

So called, most live for after life, but they live as if they will never die. If you ask me, I live to have more beautiful, peaceful moments in which I can realize my dreams without any financial problem.

She will be okay. just tired for the most part and with a bit of a cough.

If you ask me, I live to have more beautiful, peaceful moments in which I can realize my dreams without any financial problem.

Sounds okay. It is interesting that pretty much, everything requires money - even doing stuff that doesn't take money...

Well, I actually hope for the other possible outcome. Or just negative test would be ok, too.

We've talked about vaccination, haven't we? Two reasoned and reasoning humans that chose A and B. I've not second guessed my choice (s) and I'll not go at yours because I seriously considered that choice. I haven't had a vax since I came up with an allergic reaction to a tetanus vax when I was still a teen. Turns out I am allergic to the Horse serum used to make the thing. Which means I don't want to get by a venomous snake 'cause they use the same basis.

So, I'm sending my best wishes for you and yours. Per normal.

Thanks for the wishes!

Before a trip to Egypt, I had to get vaccinated and within two or three months, I started getting allergies and asthma, after never having them in my life and a thyroid problem. Could be a coincidence, could not be.

I am not an antivaxxer, I am just weighing up the odds.

I am not a provaxxer, just weighing the odds. The restriction to travel was a big part of my consideration. It looked to me like there were going to be state restrictions and I had places to go and people to see. My new family, most notably.

Yep, that makes a difference too. I made the choice not to travel for a while. I can now make it around the nordics at least.

think positive


We will all be disappointed in that bad scenario. You will be tops though, it's the Omicron, a piece of feeling quite tired piss :0)

I am not too worried about it - but you never know! I have so many other issues and reactions, that I assume this will have some surprises for me.

The only surprise would be on the Rona as it got it's arse kicked 😀

I am hoping so - I am tired of this nonsense.

It will be a relief in a way. As you say, it would be good to get away on a little plane journey somewhere

Was just looking at where to go - -have to workout where the rules aren't too strict still - it is silly.

Hope your wife gets better soon!!
We've had a few people at work go down this week and the symptoms seem to vary heaps... except fatigue always seems to join the party. We don't think we've had it yet, but it honestly feels like a matter of time.

Um, I hope I'm not too late... but could you make a slight adjustment to your will? Can you tell whomever inherits your Splinterland cards to not destroy me like you have in the past? That would obviously add insult to injury.

What are your thoughts on Long Covid? Is this a concern to you at all?

Honestly, I don't really care at all. My body is in such bad condition from other things (funnily enough, probably brought on by vaccines 15 years ago) that it isn't going to change much.

Fair enough. It's definitely my personal biggest concern with this whole mess. I know three athletes that are really struggling to get back to even a fraction of their fitness since recovering months ago... so yeah, I do not want that.

Were they vaccinated?
My fitness is only a fraction of what it was, so really, I don't think it can get much worse. But also, I don't have to perform like an athlete, nor am I likely to live a long and healthy life.

1 was hit before the vaccinations were even available... so I think that was Alpha or Delta and he's still struggling 2 years later. He was super crazy fit as well and isn't able to work yet. 2 (a couple) were both vaccinated and boosted - and neither can run at all now (but both are back at work) but I guess comparatively it's only been 5ish months.

It sucks that you've had such a rough go of it. I hope, against all the odds, you're around for a long time teaching your daughter all the things. You seem like you'd be a decent teacher.

It is a strange one. I think there are more factors than fit or not and suspect there is some kind of "marker" that determines severity. I know some fit people who suffered, some very unfit who had it mild. I think it is the same for the vaccines, as people's bodies react differently to the whatever is in it. My wife is still having issues after being vaccinated mid-last year. This is her first bout of covid.

I am not planning on checking out too early - but I am preparing, just in case :)

in my country not everybody is vaccinated, the people that are vaccinated are looking if those that are not vaccinated will die, I personally have not been vaccinated because, I don't really know what it is, and I don't go into things I don't understand. after the hole pandemic, the world is divided into two, the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated.

It is going to be interesting to see what the difference is (if any) in 20 years from now

Our family are mostly vaccinated, one or two haven’t for their own reasons. I’ve not had the later ones though. The thing is, I’m for and against it, indifferent but being a transplant recipient, I’m immunosuppressive- I had little choice.

Hopefully you’ll all be fine and better soon!

I have heard of people being denied transplants for not taking the vaccination - that seems pretty cruel to me.

WTF!! Sorry excuse my language! That’s disgraceful and on what basis does that make sense?

The problem is the whole thing has become highly politicised, like just about everything nowadays. If a person needs a transplant it’s usually critical that they get it.

Yep - the political agendas are what made me question the motivations and precautions that went into evolving the vaccines.

I think that this is one of the major reasons that people don't invest into crypto too.

Nobody wants to be at the losing side and having crypto as a means of investing money would be hard for some people because of the risk.

No one ever wants to lose, no matter how much they have.

There are still many people who have not been vaccinated, I only had the first dose and I am not very interested in the others. Nevertheless, we have to be alert.

The fear of failure is always present, but I think it limits us at the same time, in any field.

Yeah, I am not sure if any are even effective now.

I wish your familya quick recovery from Corona, as for me, I did not receive the vaccination, so I prefer to recover on my own without outside help.

Something like 90% of the country here are vaccinated - so I am a bit of an outlier :)

The problem now is with many viruses in addition to corona there is monkey pox, necessary precautions must be taken and avoid contact.
Vaccination has become useless because there are many diseases now. The body should not be given many vaccines, as it must be able to fight the disease on its own.

There is always something around that can kill us - nukes are a threat too :)

I like how a lot of people tend to think the vaccine is some evil plot to eradicate the population from the globe. The reality, I suspect, is much more dismal as I think it shows that the governments of the world had/have no idea how to handle major problems and are giving us a peak into the fragility of modern society. My day was triple vaccinated and is the only person that I personally know that died from COVID. He had a co-morbidity list a mile long so that is likely the reason, but damn man he only took the jab a couple of months prior to the coma.

Shit is nuts. Stay safe.

Sorry to hear mate.

Yeah, I am not one of those who thinks it is about world domination, but I do think there is a lot of centralized incompetence. Billions of people are now subject to that incompetence globally, which might amount to nothing or, it might be highly influential on our future. Just imagine if there are repercussions like thalidomide had on children in the 50s. Our genetic diversity is what keeps us "safe" from disease, so I don't think we should be inputting the masses with the same gene-altering drugs. I think the same about information - if we are all consuming the same, we might have less conflict amongst us, but we create less diverse innovation.

I have a couple major issues with my body, but let's see :)

I'm sorry to hear that your wife has been taken ill and, of course, I hope you do not go the same way considering you have other issues that may place you at greater risk should you become sick. 😔

I was struck by your affairs in order comment as most people do not seem to handle that well, or at all, and to me that makes no sense at all. I do not comprehend why a person would want to leave these things to the last minute but have seen this happen so many times. When a person is grieving a loss the last thing they are capable of doing is sorting out the person's affairs; even arranging the funeral plans can be a challenge.

Personally, I have things in order although I'm (hopefully) a long way off from having to initiate those plans, or have them initiated on my behalf. It feels good though, knowing I'll not be a burden and those beneficiaries of what is left of the sum and total of my life will not have to be troubled by dealing with it at a time in which they mourn my passing.

It's not a nice topic, but it's an event we all face; I don't see any benefit in ignoring it.

I hope you remain well and your wife gets over the illness quickly.

Becca 💗

I have been prepared for a while for most things crypto - but I wanted to make sure the passwords were up to date and the like. I almost died last year from a stroke and I have almost died a couple times since I was 16. Best to be prepared, as we will all die eventually.

I don't want my wife to have to think about these things straight away - so I have others that can take care of it.

It's not a nice topic, but it's an event we all face; I don't see any benefit in ignoring it.

It scares people. I actually think dealing with it early reduces the fear of it happening.

I agree that it can help reduce the fear; it ticks a box leaving the person feeling a little more comfortable, or so I found it.

Most things, one's affairs, are quite simple and straightforward when handled ahead of time although the crypto currency thing is a little different. Complicated, but not an insurmountable task of course. I don't have much so it's not going to be the end of the world if it doesn't work out, however I've taken steps to ensure it does, along with the other aspects of life.

Thank you for your vote on my comment, it's very embarrassing that my vote is so low. My apology.

Becca 🌷

Ha! Don't worry about having a low vote - I have been here a while and appreciate all support, big or small.

While yours (and other's) crypto holdings might not be huge, it is also about preparing for the future of just in case it grows. I don't have that much really, but if things change in the industry, I want to not look back and say, "I wish I had appreciated it more and protected it" :)

I want to not look back and say, "I wish I had appreciated it more and protected it"

And there it is. Smart words for certain. So many neglect to think this way. 😕

Oh, and just for something different.. You get a larger vote :)

What? That's more than I get on most of my posts!

Thank you. Really. Now I want to give you one of these...😘

Becca 💗🌷

I hope your wife is better soon!

I wonder though, how many people got vaccinated because they thought it would help


I wonder the same, and I'm one of those people vaccinated, that caught the virus...

About the crypto, I agree with you, I don't think there is a way back, and if it happens... I prefer only think about the continuity of crypto, hehe.

Nice post!! Have a good day!!

well, the vaccination people and governments changed the definition of what a vaccination is - so catching it became possible. I guess now, we can have mild cases of polio :D

I hope all fares well for your wife and you. Like you I chose not to get the vaccine shot. When my lung collapsed on me they tested me and yes I tested positive for corona, and also had pneumonia, but I am still slowly recovering.

I found it interesting that not long ago the CDC restricted who can get one of the vaccines because of blot clotting issue, which was known and talked about a bit when the first shots were given out, but of course those adverse stories were trampled by the media and government sources.

I'm still not sure if the vaccines are out of the experimental stage yet or not. Corona is survivable with out the vaccine. It effects people differently just like the flu affects people differently.

Try not to over worry about it, and make sure your wife gets plenty of sleep, vitamin C and Zinc.

Have you noticed more middle-aged and older stars dying lately? Retired sports stars too. Ray Liotta died today at 67 in his sleep. Not saying it is caused by the vaccination, but all of these people have been travelling for work, so were vaccinated. My wife has a couple friends in their 40s who have died unexpectedly in the last couple months too. A couple months ago I started noticing it more - but unsure if it is out of the ordinary, since I don't read the news much.

I do not look at the news to much, and stars and sports people are pretty close to the bottom of news that I would watch. I have seen a few of the death stories, but they rarely include covid, unless it was an anti covid vax person that got sick and then died.

I myself could not believe how many people flocked to get the experimental vaccines, and then even after some of the horror stories still went out of their way to get the shot so they could get a free mcdonalds meal or what ever other give away they had running to entice people to get the shots.

but they rarely include covid, unless it was an anti covid vax person that got sick and then died.

sad, isn't it.

People love free stuff...

Have you considered what happens if crypto fails?

I would probably be as lucky as moe...

Dear friend, I want you to know that the Corona test result is the greatest fraud that has ever happened in the history of man. As even the so-called expert is just obeying what the creators of this evil agenda want. If you or your wife test positive, it doesn't mean you have covid as the result may show. Even the shoot, I kindly urge you to keep to your decision. Because the shoot isn't just a shoot, something they have hidden from the world is that this shoot is capable of uttering the human DNA and there's so much they will never want the people to know. Just keep to your decision. And you and your family will be well again.

You probably have more co-morbidities than me, but I shall remain optimistic that you'll probably be fine ;D it's just gone through our house and we're on the recovering side of things now (well J and the boys are, I picked up a chest infection which could have happened after any coronavirus and has happened after other coronaviruses, this one is nothing special, and middle child seems to either have the symptoms backwards or caught a cold first and only now started).

Hope you don't have the splitting headaches at the outset :)

To be very honest, I'm scared of that vaccine. Two people I know who've received it are still fighting for their lives and well, you can understand what that does to my mentality towards the cure...

This is just a bunch of excuses – at least to me– but I haven't fully invested in Crypto because one thing goes wrong or something demands my urgent attention. But when dealing with softer deals like Hive, I see and feel it's impact and truthfully, I know that Crypto is playing a huge role in my moving forward. Not just the money, but (maybe it's just me), there's something it does to your mind and like a kind of drug or something, it stimulates it. It's now way past the money and unto the power, time and strength you put into it because it's not about the money. Like every other thing that requires our attention, it urges us to do more of smart work than hard and that is saying a lot. If crypto were to disappear, we wouldn't just loose our work but ourselves in the process. There'll be despair and hopelessness. But that wouldn't happen... Lol. Positive thinking all the way...😅

I hope she will be fine and I guess you are well equipped man to cope with the situation. Sometimes, the probe give false positive, this happened with my brother, even though he isolated and waited for a negative one, the flue lasted for 2 days as usual and he was fit and healthy.

The way corona disease is presented is to grow fear and let human psychology trigger anxiety and depression, which slows down the immune system processes and help virus invade more parts of the body.

As I am a man of faith, I send your family blessings and prayers for quick recovery and wellness. Keep us informed buddy.