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RE: Positively thinking

in Self Improvement3 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that your wife has been taken ill and, of course, I hope you do not go the same way considering you have other issues that may place you at greater risk should you become sick. 😔

I was struck by your affairs in order comment as most people do not seem to handle that well, or at all, and to me that makes no sense at all. I do not comprehend why a person would want to leave these things to the last minute but have seen this happen so many times. When a person is grieving a loss the last thing they are capable of doing is sorting out the person's affairs; even arranging the funeral plans can be a challenge.

Personally, I have things in order although I'm (hopefully) a long way off from having to initiate those plans, or have them initiated on my behalf. It feels good though, knowing I'll not be a burden and those beneficiaries of what is left of the sum and total of my life will not have to be troubled by dealing with it at a time in which they mourn my passing.

It's not a nice topic, but it's an event we all face; I don't see any benefit in ignoring it.

I hope you remain well and your wife gets over the illness quickly.

Becca 💗


I have been prepared for a while for most things crypto - but I wanted to make sure the passwords were up to date and the like. I almost died last year from a stroke and I have almost died a couple times since I was 16. Best to be prepared, as we will all die eventually.

I don't want my wife to have to think about these things straight away - so I have others that can take care of it.

It's not a nice topic, but it's an event we all face; I don't see any benefit in ignoring it.

It scares people. I actually think dealing with it early reduces the fear of it happening.

I agree that it can help reduce the fear; it ticks a box leaving the person feeling a little more comfortable, or so I found it.

Most things, one's affairs, are quite simple and straightforward when handled ahead of time although the crypto currency thing is a little different. Complicated, but not an insurmountable task of course. I don't have much so it's not going to be the end of the world if it doesn't work out, however I've taken steps to ensure it does, along with the other aspects of life.

Thank you for your vote on my comment, it's very embarrassing that my vote is so low. My apology.

Becca 🌷

Ha! Don't worry about having a low vote - I have been here a while and appreciate all support, big or small.

While yours (and other's) crypto holdings might not be huge, it is also about preparing for the future of just in case it grows. I don't have that much really, but if things change in the industry, I want to not look back and say, "I wish I had appreciated it more and protected it" :)

I want to not look back and say, "I wish I had appreciated it more and protected it"

And there it is. Smart words for certain. So many neglect to think this way. 😕

Oh, and just for something different.. You get a larger vote :)

What? That's more than I get on most of my posts!

Thank you. Really. Now I want to give you one of these...😘

Becca 💗🌷