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RE: Advice and taste explosions

Individual's situations definitely make a big difference in an answer if each is faced with the same question.

Lots of times though, it is still beneficial to be able to talk it out with someone you trust. I can't tell you how many of my own questions I've answered myself just by being able to say them out loud.

It was nice that she trusts you and that you could be there when she needed it.


Talking it out is exactly what yesterday was about and she worked her way towards her ultimate decision because of it. She has now handed her 30 days notice of resignation and is moving forward. I'd say that's a good result.

Sounds like she's taking that leap of faith. Sometimes ya just gotta !

I think it's a good idea, and it's calculated rather than off the cuff. It's unlikely her clearance will come back as unacceptable so I think it's s fairly safe bet. Of course, they can always terminate her at a whim just by saying not cleared so they get a chance to check her out in an on-the-job situation with little risk as she'll not be operating on anything of a confidential or sensitive nature until her clearance comes through.