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RE: My #1 Trick for Salvaging An Unproductive Day

in Self Improvement4 months ago

I don't actually wear a watch, but it makes sense that having one could help stay on track with everything. I tend to just check me phone for the time, but then get sucked into it when scrolling through some of my notifications.

Something that helps me, with writing Hive posts especially is telling myself that I'll just get something started, and then come back to it later. What I've noticed is that when I start a post, I end up writing the majority of it there and then, which I either finish in that session, or come back to complete it within only a few hours.

It's like having it started automatically makes it easier to get back to, rather than not knowing what to write about while staring at a blank screen.


I think these days people rely on phone to check time. While it's a lot more convenient,somehow for me I get side tracked haha. It's nice that you can find something that works for you. Because after all, that's why we're living for, finding things that works for us 😃 and continuously evolve hehe.