BTC cloud has cleared for many Alts, HIVE heading for blue skies soon?

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

HIVE/BTC daily chart with the Ichimoku indicators, what a sad state of affairs. Not for much longer though I suspect, as other tokens I follow have recently shown.


Although I have been collecting HIVE through 2020, the sensible option was to stay well clear and grab as much BTC as possible. As the previous bull market displayed, BTC generally leads the way and the rest tend to follow in $ terms, catching up with BTC in the process.

Aside from some crazy 100% days, this seems to be in marketcap order - ETH, LTC, never being too far behind BTC, and then the funds start flowing into the rest of the Alts. Just an observation, and happy to be shown this isn't the case.

As STEEM was in 2017, HIVE is seemingly fashionably late to the party. It could be that BTC marches on to 200k+ and the Alt party isn't close to starting yet, but there are some obvious signs that at least the pre-event drinks are underway.



Under the weather, or the Kumo 'cloud' (which is that huge red shape in the image above) since last summer, ALGO recently glided through the cloud (Bullish but 'weak' due to the cloud being red-descending) and following a retest, has scooted up over the past week.



As with the previous chart, ONE spent last year suffering as BTC slowly gathered momentum. That turned at the new year and the ONE/BTC price steadily crept up before leaving the cloud and doing 50% in a day or so.



AVA/BTC is a little further ahead than both ONE and ALGO, but I think worth a mention as the Kumo cloud has recently supported the price and provided 4 good days since then. The timeframe isn't that large as to be confident of mad gains, but being above the bearish cloud looks good to me.


The first screenshot in the post shows the longer timeframe and cloud of doom, below is zoomed in to where (I hope) the action is about to take place.


So finally, the Kumo cloud has drifted down and the HIVE price has naturally flowed into the red fog - for the first time bar 2 spikes in July and August, which failed miserably.

Along with this progression into the cloud, volume is up and the faint green bars under the candles indicate BTC coming in. To me, it looks like about a week of drifting through the Kumo needs to happen before the price sees blue skies.

I think you are guessing somewhat buying in now before the price goes above and retests as the red cloud is resistance before broken, but the signs are there, and I do like blue skies.

If you would like to go to and enter the ticker of a token you are following

  • Add Ichimoku (using the fx button) image.png
  • And find me a chart that looks like HIVEBTC

I'll be interested and may join in the pre-drinks gathering.



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I see skies of green for the good old boy of social media blogging crypto. That's right HIVEy, I'm looking at you!?

The corner is right round the corner for real!!

It was dead ahead all along, just UK style rain clouds obstructing the view.

HIVE is almost ready though isn't it? Tell me boomy, tell me it is?!

It's been cooking in a big warm crypto vadge and it's time for it to pop!!!!


Is it gonna be pretty or we talking sweaty Betty's vadge?

It's a sweaty Betty vadge but what might come out could be a beautiful thing! lol


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That's an interesting looking chart for sure! Let's hope we can maintain some positive price marks and possibly attract more attention, enough attention that it will test the RC system quite well!

It's looking better :) I suspect the traders are watching a bit more closely of late.

RCs, hmm, I think we have that covered, unless things go crazy. Those who have stuck out the last few years deserve a nice run.

I have some ALGO, and dumped half of it around 72c. It's gone nuts now and Im not sure whether to dump the other half. Got it around 29c. Lucky...

Nice work!

I'm trying to stick to what I tell my ex / bro / friends who for some reason come to me about what to do with their tokens. Hold the line!

Blue sky mining.

The ground work has been done at low cost, time for fruits of labor to appear :)

I've never used this Ichimoku indicator before. Nice to see that hive is breaking above those critical levels vs BTC. I wrote a post a few weeks ago with some market analysis about hive, and that was my critical thing for hive to really start taking off - making headway against BTC rather than just USD.

To be honest though, I only know how to chart/trade bitcoin with confidence using a combo of moving averages, bolinger bands, RSI divergence, fibs and stochastic crosses. 😂 just two years ago I would have been like "bolinger-what-nows?"

I like them because there is no need to draw lines all over the shop, they are already there :)

The site above got me into Ichi, but sadly they don't cover crypto. Check out the US Indices - perma boomtime, for now.

I do like MA's and golden crosses, and well as the odd bottle of Bollinger :D

I like them because there is no need to draw lines all over the shop, they are already there :)

I'm crazy for line drawing... but where do you draw the line... with drawing lines? Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Check out this bad boy 😂

Screenshot 135.png

Looks like complete chaos, but I've been having success with support and resistance type trading based on the Fib levels. Much of the mess of lines on that chart are just cause I'm a lazy bugger and can't be bothered removing the ones from the last 4 weeks.

P.s. gotta love a golden cross... but what about the dreaded death cross 😨

Not to be rude good buddy, but the above looks like a right mess! 🤣

If it's working for you though, don't change the system. Is it confirmed then, are we off to the races?

In all honesty, here is the problem IMO. There is not enough chart history for hive to analyze it easily in regards to TA. This is the bittrex chart and it starts with the fork around 21/02/2020.

Screenshot 138.png

Against BTC it is all downwards momentum. But zooming in on the daily chart, we're just about to break above the top side of the bolinger bands.

Screenshot 139.png

Sustain above it for a week or more and we're off to the races.

The weekly tells an interesting story as well.

Screenshot 140.png

We've never been above the median mid level of the bands, but we're close. If we break above (at around 702 sats) then hive is doing something it has never done in its history. Make of that what you will... I'd say that sustained rally above 702 sats = bullish long/medium term.

🤞 ... and that is the end of Raj's armchair technical analysis 😂

Looks top notch to me :)

11 months or so isn't huge on the timeframe, but enough to get an idea I think. Also, STEEM (the shitbag) looks good on the charts, a similar situation to HIVE.


Out of principle though, I'm not trading there. To the armchair, with wine :)

Someone put us on BSC (someone already did, but not entirely) and have our Pancake Firm and we are $1 easy!

Until ETH gas fees are fixed, uniswap is not the way to go.

Someone put us on BSC

Are you the man for the task? Also, what is BSC? 😂

Binance Smart Chain, Dude!

That is where all the cool kids are these days :)

I have recently joined Binance, I hear there are pancakes?

Any posts knocking around explaning BSC?

Heh, thanks :)

Just heard a question - When DEC on BSC :)

I think the better days lay ahead.

Oh, yes! I have been stacking my Hive! (not like you and Boom, alas, I spent my extra $ on BTC) But, I think we are ready to play ball here!

And yay!

Good choice for spending on BTC, I'm terribly weighted towards HIVE. So, come on HIVE!

I would cash in my BTC in a blink, but, Hive will be hanging with me.

I've got all my eggs in a HIVE basket for now, don't know if that's smart or stupid, I guess time will tell. It's an easy choice I guess when you don't have anything to invest.

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You and me both. At the start of last year I had only STEEM. That is now mostly HIVE with a smattering of other tokens. So yes, come on HIVE :)



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