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RE: 100 Days of Green

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have been really happy with the DeFi that I have been investing in. I think I might have lost a little here and there, but I have more than made up for it with what I have staked. I think as a long term hold and invest this is going to work out really well for me. I hope anyway. No matter what, it is better than putting it in the bank!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think I might have lost a little here and there, but I have more than made up for it with what I have staked.

I have made some terrible decisions! :D But I am still up and still learning.

The returns will drop over time, but as you can see from the numbers, even much smaller percentages can make significant differences in result. Once they start building business on top of pools, things change again.

It was crazy what I was making in that 5000% farm. Then the prices tanked and the percentage got nerfed...