When There Is No Accountability

in LeoFinance20 days ago

So this morning we did not receive two courier envelopes, but 4 from His Majesty's Government which is an absolute waste of tax payers money. The 6 packages in the photo is what DHL delivered for just 2 renewals. These were my kids South African passports being returned with their expired passports which were sent to verify the details on their passports like name and gender were identical to what was on their new British passports.

The cost of all of this excess wastage is astronomical because if you think that every passport renewal requires 3 packages to be returned. I know you are paying for some of it with the £88.50 renewal fee, but this is really insane.

It is not surprising DHL must be smiling having this contract because they are making a fortune from this. A friend of mine in the courier business charged me R240 recently which is around £10.00 for documentation to be delivered from the UK to South Africa. The normal fee for this is a standard fee of R625 depending on the contents and can go as high as R2K or £80.

Ten years ago when I did my renewal by post the fee was slightly less and DHL collected the old passport from my home address and delivered the new and old expired passport back using only 1 envelope. That is only 2 and now they are using 4 which is double the work and double the expense but also double the profits. Just think every person who renews their passport is getting a double delivery and if you were in the same country would be delivered at the same time meaning one delivery is pure profit because the 2 deliveries are going to the same address.

We know Government Departments are not known for their efficiency least of all keeping the costs in check because know one is held accountable. It is no wonder he Governments are having to print more money on a regular basis if they can't even get their basic business models correct.

From what I have experienced with this knowing the costs of packaging and the courier rates this business model does no make any sense and there is guaranteed corruption happening here. DHL are earning 3 x the amount they should be by creating all these extra deliveries and this has been done on purpose. I do not see any other explanation that makes sense because nothing here makes sense.

If this was a business being run by a budget it would be clear and obvious what route one would have to do to cut costs, but DHL have themselves in a prime position providing a service that no one cares about because of ignorance and possibly backhanders.

Don't get me wrong the service is exceptional considering it is a Government Department and DHL would never make a hash of this cash cow because I have never seen a money making racket like this first hand. We are talking tens of millions of GBP being given to DHL on a plate that could be done for 1/3rd of the price with the same results.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's amazing how corrupt governments are and the things they do to move money around where it shouldn't belong. Every once in a while someone leaks something and we find the government has used our tax money to pay hundreds of dollars for a regular hammer! .... or some other such nonsense as that. You know if you hear or can see something like the mailing razzle dazzle, that is only the tip of the iceberg.

Crazy ! .... and yet they keep getting away with it, time after time.

Yes it is just so wrong on every level and amazingly people just accept this today. Imagine having a government contract that nobody cares how much they spend. Hands are definitely being greased as that is how things are done.

you sum up the clandestine quasi socialism that is pervasive in many western countries. there are companies and there are companies who snuggle with the state closely.

the joke of course is that - in the current system - all these extra expenses and errands are good. you have just made sure these jobs will remain in place and that people in those positions continue to have a way to pay their unnecessary expenses.

that all of them are a mere life-energy sucking mechanism of artificial scarcity generation in order to keep the scarcity slavery system running... will probably continue to escape people.

all the better when someone demonstrates with one of the countless examples we all come across during our life with the matrix


I would not say it guarantees any jobs because more and more is going to be automated. All this does is create unnecessary inflation making it harder for everyone to make ends meet.

inflation extracts life energy from people.
it will get harder only for those extracted from.
that energy is not lost, it has just moved to someone else. people seem to forget that often.

automation is great if the task itself makes sense. since most of today's tasks are system formalities it'd probably be better we used technology for actual work.

i guess it starts with any single individual looking for a better way to do things in the future.
