i've found it across the board a lot this week, even here on LEO. i think the hive nodes overall are having another one of their off weeks lol
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i've found it across the board a lot this week, even here on LEO. i think the hive nodes overall are having another one of their off weeks lol
Yeah, noticed that as well even though Inleo errors aren't that annoying, IMO. I wonder if there will ever be a permanent solution for that. Like auto-switching nodes feature that would work... 😬
i think so. hope so lol
because for us, that know what's going on, we'll have patience.
but these new folks jumping on, as soon as they see things not working....they will move on
Exactly! I spend my time on many chains and for many like me, these kinda issues are usually a red flag. Not a major one but a red flag nevertheless.