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"Happiness is a way of travel. Not a destination." —Roy Goodman

Powered Up 117.3 #hive today

The road back to Texas from Michigan appears to have had bad storms last night. I’m seeing reports of tornadoes. We shall be on the road soon.

How dangerous are the tornados??

They can turn over train cars or completely destroy a home.


Resillient infra needed in tornado prone areas then.

There isn’t much that can withstand them. It’s almost always devastating.


So do you cope with it. I mean how does the Govt manage it through disaster management framework, such mitigation and prepardness...or only post-disatser action?

In the affected areas, people will retreat to cellars and basements, or any hardened shelter. The objective is mainly survival.

Afterward, insurance and disaster response services help with recovery. Government and volunteer agencies are the biggest help.

The monsoon season (rainy season)is fully here in my place. What season are you experiencing in your region?

Summer has just started.

wOw, okay

About to enter moosoon. We have had 2 rainfalls this week

Okay let's hope for a better planting season

I only have three replies on this #poll. That's way less than I'd expected :/ Don't people vote in polls around here?

Devin #ai Can Solve* 13.86% of GitHub Issues

This is based on a benchmark where GPT4 scored 1.74%. The funding comes from a group of investors including Peter Thiel and founders of Stripe.

More details in the video below🧵⏬


I have done my LEO power up. Fortunately I am not too late to remember to today is 15th day of the month. Happy LPUD everyone.

#lpud #growth #powerup

I did mine too.

Did you read the post about Cub/Polycub and vote in the poll?

Links inside.

A nice DJ at the Beach of Ko Tao, Thailand. #photography

Sunset on Ko Tao Island, Thailand in Late December 2023 <<3 Love it there. #photography #photo #sunset

Such an amazing sunset!

this sunset is in its majesty

I just got back my orange tick!

Nice! You don't feel naked now 😅

But I can not see it Sir.

blink again!


I can see it now.

That's great. Full power.

Awesome. #premium #inleo !PIZZA !BBH

@cryptothesis! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @dkid14. (1/5)

congratulations 🎉

Leoads stat of the day. It's not even close to 300 yet. I wish it gets crossed on weekend though. Today I'll be upgrading entire LEO to power up.

It would help if people clicked on the threads and they engaged with them.

Ergo, you got another page view on this one. LOL

Yes. That would be super cool. I am however following your advice. build first and then worry about getting people to click.

I'm happy to see my profile back.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, today I will make at least 6,300 threads.

I'm leaving this print to remind me where I started

How did u get it back?

I am also amused to see my original profile today but I dont know how did that happen?

I practically did nothing, it turns out that it was something the platform itself did to update my profile.

Check this out!

We need more communities like this on Inleo. The more degen -> more people = Inleo to the 🌙


Hope no one forgot that today is LPUD. I wonder if people are keeping some of their LEO liquid for the upcoming listing and the WLEO-CACAO pool.🤔

Yeah, I'm definitely holding some out liquid for that reason. Also may want to get into some coins that I don't currently have. Maybe $RUNE or ???

That's awesome! Having $RUNE would be nice :)

Wanted to get some way back when but never followed through. Kind of sorry I didn't. lol

The same thread gets posted 7/8 times....Check it...

So many strategies floating, I guess.

I didn't, but I want to get some more LEO for the pool

Didn't forget and kept a little liquid.

I remembered but I couldn't power up, my Internet connection had issues. I was able to do it some minutes ago using keychain.

I did not leave any LEO liquid, I hope to acquire more before the month ends. I only hope that the Internet connection issues I'm facing in my country will be fixed very soon, it really sucks.

#v4v is the 💣 Gratitude 4 ur continues service 🙏🏾

Cute new feature on the @v4vapp wallet page. You can now display your Hive, HBD and Sats balances converted into your own local fiat currency.

You set the currency in the side bar.

If #ETF holders start selling we are facing a fall
It is important to observe how they respond to the #Btc correction, whether buying more or selling.

Is this for real?

$HBD indeed

Yep. Remember the times when SBD was traded for like $6? People act dumb sometimes.

I hope so, Steem dollar is way up.

Not now. :(

Are you doing crypto fulltime or part-time?

Full time job since 2018.


I do it part time..

share more about your full time crypto journey.

Not full time yet..... but whenever I get seasonal holiday or any such thing, I become full timer...

Does clicking the three dots on a thread and open in new window create a page view the same as clicking on a thread?

Because clicking in and out of threads is not working well for me. Lots of delay.

I cant open threads in another tab either.

Seems like each problem affects people differently.

It is a sliding scale.

Overheard: “They’re just Redditors. They don’t know how to talk to people.”

I like the look of this. After my #lpud. I am on work desktop. Used snippit tool and paisted to get a pic up. lol

So $LEO is not affected by the correction of $BTC???

Not at the moment anyway. ;)

Without a doubt it is a beautiful image. Congratulations!

Thanks so much.


@coyotelation! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (7/50)

This is how you can fund your INLEO Premium if you have 2000 HP to spare...

Another pro tip to stack up more rewards to pay up for that curation can be to share your post via outreach threadstorm.
Let me know if the idea interests you and I shall share the relevant details
Keep positive and growing

Solana has been wildly more volatile than BTC and ETH. Whichever way the market trends, Solana seems to want to have the highest gains and biggest drops.

SOLANA is the star performer of this bull run.

It appears like it has itself for completing the unfinished task of the previous bull run.

Less than 2 hours left until the season ends.

How many reward chests will you open soon?

#polls #spt #splinterlands #play2earn

⬇️ Vote here: ⬇️

It's end of sseason already?!

Well, 15 days yes.

I got 40. Goodluck!

Thank you very much!

40 chests, excellent!

May you have good luck too.

how much is $BTC 70.9k

1 BTC= $ 68,494, right now

we got dippped

Ya man. what a bummer!

its ok its needed. haha

Pull back

A dip down to 60k will be interesting, however I feel that such a dip will be short lived, and could push the buyers to enter again to produe the next leg up to visit 100k level.

Playing with BTC is a hard work.

There will always be complainers and people who say you’re doing everything wrong

Just gotta keep pushing forward. They fall to the sidelines or fall in line behind you eventually

Complainers and whiners are added ingredients to the process 😅

U dont know how much we love u.

John Maxwell says- A leader is he who knows the way, shows the way, goes the way. And u r our leader, and Task is our cheerleader!

You are also the poster boy of our Leo community as a whole.

Thank you, I really appreciate it 🦁❤️

You are most welcome.

If you really believe in what you're doing, don't stop until you achieve it. Whether you do something or not, people will always complain about you.

I am enjoying my time on inleo since the very beginning even when there was no threading. I am glad I witnessed this journey.

Will we have the mass awakening? Not sure but it is great to be part of this building process and share emotions as if I am one of the owners of this company.

Keep going :P More power to you.

True that. Plus you got lots of supporters on here too! !PIZZA.

Love what you are doing good sir!

They are missing something, better to leave than complain 😂

Is it technically possible to ascertain whether users are reading the article or not?

#crypto #askonleo

AM not sure. I only base on the page views which are do not actually indicate if the person stayed on the page after viewing it.

Maybe a techie can give better insight into this.

I just want to understand if it can be coded if someone is genuinely reading it or faking it.

Do you read the entire article and then hit the link button or u just hit the like button first and then proceed to reading?

#askonleo #crypto

I don't usually read the entire article, I read the headlines and the first parts start of each paragraph and skim through the rest. If there's an interesting bit, my eye will catch it and read it.

So... Yes?

I appreciate your honesty

I read the article first. Then if am impressed, I click the like button.

Note: Poor internet is not allowing me to participate in the poll

yes, I know u r a genuine reader, and do not pretend to read it.

Our engagement should not be informed by expediency....Then only we can develop intrinsic motivation out of it.

How much LEO POWER is needed to produce 1 LEO reward in voting?

#crypto #askonleo

I think it should be up to 100k LP

Okay, thanks for the insight.

I think about 40K , but I may be wrong...

Oh thank you for the headsup. Am on 21k LP. So I can push to that 40k goal.

🧵 1. Crisis-hit Argentina urged to dollarize economy and abolish central bank to tackle soaring inflation, says economist Steve Hanke on CNBC. #world

🧵 2. Economist Hanke emphasizes need for Argentina to implement dollarization for economic stability, criticizes current debt swap as temporary fix.

Do you ever need a cryptocurrency (or bitcoin) image for your articles?

The link inside is to a container of #aiimages that you can use.

Feel free to access them and post in your articles. They are royalty free.

Forgive me, but is this something that already existed?

I found out today that we have a Gifs tab. Thanks @xlety for letting me know.

Has anyone used it?

I think it's there for a long time now, but here's the news for me: I am seeing your profile now 😂

I think I saw your #thread last night that you are not seeing your profile and I was also seeing a leo logo on your profile before.

It's true hahaha...

I had this problem before. Fortunately it was resolved.

It's funny to me because there are some things that I consider new since I returned to INLEO at the end of January. 😅

Cheers for the team #leo for fixing the issue.

It is also unnoticeable in mobile, can't blame you if you use mobile.

Well... I try to use it wherever I can at the moment. You can't stay in front of a laptop all day hahaha...

Although there are people who can.

I prefer mobile than laptop right now because of its portability. I can make a #thread anytime, anywhere!

On this I have to agree with you.

Using your cell phone for threads is much better and more practical.

yup, it's there a loooong time already ...


Thanks for the info.

#lpud #myhivegoals #liotes

Powered-Up 154.89 LEO today.

Read all about it, link in my comment below ⬇️

Have you powered-up?

nice power up. !BBH

@imfarhad! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @logen9f. (2/5)

Yes. Over 1k Leo.

$LEO power up day. I just reached 4458 so far. Few more to reach 5K and then CUB status it is. As in words of Hiverrs Less GO!


More power to generational wealth. Keep building it to become a whale one day.

I wish .. if you can pray to go by the end of this year my finance improves that would be blessings. whale is not easy hard, like years to build.

👍 👍 👍 👍

Good day all. Another great day to fill the blockchain. I have to finish the Ozzy music page that I started yesterday.

Good day TM sir.. Hope morning is great for you

Going to be busy. Will get a lot done on the blockchain today.

Have a fantastic day boss

good afternoon Leo 🦁 family ☺️


It's LPUD and already did it the mment it went live.

Was awake at 5am did sehri and fasting rn...feeling good.

Hope you're having an amazing day.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Lions, just looking at how the thread goes for today 🦁

Oh so there's been a change on Leo threads now...? To share a link one must make a thread first then reply with the link. Interesting.

That should be the standard format always.

Not on X though...

With help of #AI detected:
7,000 #humpback whales died in the North #Pacific over 10 years — and 'the blob' is to blame

Control your life like you control your belongings, if you don't like where it's at, move it or improve it.

See Hive doing well on the index! Nice :)

Finishing off Aweh - a met[t]a Verse

I'm excited about this one!


😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳 ✍️


@milaan, sorry! You need more $BBH to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 1000.0 BBH balance.

More $BBH is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Okay...I will buy more to distribute more.

I have complete faith iin The InLeo team. One day I will be able to upload pics again

Movie: Jonah #moviereview

  • Very dramatic scifi
  • Till end there is a lack of gravity of fear from UFO
  • yet everything revolves around aliens
  • Boring after some times. don't waste time.

People are saying that the #cybertruck production is up to around 150 per day.

There is no confirmation from #tesla.

This is a HUGE Drop!!! I'm just glad $HIVE didn't drop as much compared to $BTC but I wish we saw it touching $0.50. Oh well...

Is it so bad when it was 32c a month ago? There's a lot more volume now, but we need more people to take an interest.

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