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RE: wLEO Maya Listing + Cub Sunset

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I think it's safe to admit now I hated being that one guy not buying into the CUB hype. DEFI in general at the time was all hype, in my eyes. It was shiny and people were blinded by the light. Rather than confidence, I observed boasting. I always seem to study the people rather than the projects in order to get a feel for something, especially if I don't fully understand it. They're the ones providing the information I need to use in order to learn.

Never bashed it. Wished everyone luck and stayed on the sidelines.

As for this new listing being a boost for LEO. I can see how it could be a boost for the token. For the products though, I don't see how it'll be a boost. In general this would attract interest in the token from people interested in the superficial elements of tokens. And we all know there's a lot of that happening in crypto.

I'm sure some will find the entrance and follow the trail of breadcrumbs to LEO products. Once they arrive it's unlikely they'll be something like a content creator, for instance.

More likely to be a content consumer however the incentives don't line up. Since they're profit driven they'll most likely take the road of delegations, auto votes, and so on. Basically earning consumer perks but at the same time being paid to not be around. And that's unfortunate since the ad revenue element would see a boost if those eyes were actually present. That's why quite a few weeks ago I mentioned to you at least it would be wise to "market" that ad revenue to consumers as well, since paying supporters with staked tokens browsing and upvoting content earn a share of that ad revenue. It's more like "profit sharing" than ad revenue. That consumer role is the most important but it's also the most neglected. Looking around Hive is all the proof one needs to back up that claim.

Other than that it's still good news. It's still progress and I certainly don't frown upon these new developments. It's actually nice to see.


I don't see how it'll be a boost

Ah well liquidity is one of the things this ecosystem is lacking especially with all the exchange delistings and regulatory overreach. I think it's weird to say it's purely speculative when liquidity and interoperability is an absolute requirement for every single network. But also it makes perfect sense that it could devolve into a number-go-up situation.

Since they're profit driven they'll most likely take the road of delegations, auto votes, and so on

Statistically this is no different than anyone else that gets onboarded.
People are greedy.
Count on it.
There is no secret source for onboarding that isn't rooted in greed.
It's on the Hive ecosystem to put users to work; not up to the user to bend over backwards doing something they don't want to do.

As always your criticisms are noted and valid.
It's certainly a situation we should be keeping tabs on.

"There is no secret source for onboarding that isn't rooted in greed."

I came here for free speech. I've never traded one token for fiat since I've been here, so it's demonstrable I didn't come here for money. As censorship and fake news become more prevalent and deadly, the market for free speech is growing. I think more and more people are searching for a place where they can learn and discuss things they have an existential need to know, because life is more valuable than money to them.

People die from censorship all the time. John Barnett was found shot in the head the day before he was supposed to testify about lax Boeing manufacturing standards. Lots of people have died because they didn't learn things that were censored, too. Folks tend to be more committed to things they cannot live without than to mere tokens, IME.

I think you're ignoring the best source of onboarding that exists.

I'm not ignoring anything, my guy.

You are an extreme outlier.
Statistical analysis will always trend toward the mid-curve.


Absolutes and statistics don't mix.

Statistics are derived from absolutes.

In the same way dreams are derived from the real world.

Is there another way of deriving things?

Fear not. I don't write a comment then expect to see a trend reversal immediately afterwards. If that were the case this place would have been booming years ago... lol I joke.

I did see a comment today though while browsing Hive that I'm not used to seeing. It went something like, "My friend introduced me to Vibes and I've been hooked on this site ever since." Their activity was all consumption.

I hope to see more of that. These people do exist. And so do the ones you mentioned. I get it.


"People are greedy." They want more and more entertainment. Then their needs are converted into greed and those other platforms generate billions for themselves.

That's been going on since the printing press, and probably even sooner. Not sure what they charged at the gates to the Roman Coliseum.

I've known for a long time trying to point out what I see as a clear benefit goes against how things "worked" for thousands of years. New concepts are like that though. People would throw horse shit at cars...

Have a good one dude.