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RE: SPS Validator Node Licenses Seem like A Bargain to Me...

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Oh I've got fuck all chance of making it T100 let alone T50 - between the T20 faces, the SL team, a handful of megawhales and of course... guilds - NO CHANCE!

But even without those rewards.. $4K a month.


Yeah, I hear you. It's going to be tough. $4k per month? Is that based on the current price of SPS? I couldn't really justify scraping the money together to try and get one. Plus I don't really have the hardware available to run it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I meant per year!

I'm not sure what hardware it will require, I think I can just about cope with it, if not it's renting server space if it's worth it.

Ah, okay. $4k a month I was considering pimping out my wife to scrape the funds together!