Stable Coins I hold October 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've done some jiggling with my stable coins over the past month, mainly to reduce my exposure to USDT and pick up some UST and the proportions of the stable coins I now hold look like this:

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  • 17% UST - the main gainer this month, I am new to Terra, it's cool so far.
  • 30% USDC - almost exclusively on Polygon
  • 7% USDT - mainly because of 4Belt
  • 18% BUSD - Well, it's just so handy!
  • 7% DAI - Mainly 4 belt again
  • 3.5% HBD - Could use more
  • 10% HIVE - OK I know it's not stables, but I traded some SPS recently for Hive not stables, to pool with DEC, this is 'stables in waiting'
  • 7% others = LTC, BNB bits I have pooled with some of the other stables, which I see as 'stables in waiting'.

NB the 10% Hive is maybe a bit high, actually I have already traded in some of that for stables so now it's more like 7% already.

Platform Distribution

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  • Way too much in BSC
  • Probably way too much in Polygon too.
  • ETH - too little? But it's the damned fees!
  • Hive - I'd be comfortable if up to 20% of my stables were actually as HBDs.
  • Terra - 13% - I'd be happy for this to increase
  • Rune - that's RUNE-BUSD - I'm OK with this being a small percentage for now.

Pools distribution

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  • Cub's 4 belt - I halved my holding here, because I don't like USDT - but NB I've actually piled into Cub-BUSD and BUSD-BNB (not shown here) more too.
  • PlanetFi I kind of wish I hadn't gone into! I think I might just swap the whole lot for UST and go harder into Terra.
  • Autofarm - a small amount of LTC with USDT.
  • Some liquid of course! Around 10%
  • Polycat is mostly USDC on AAve - 20% return ATM.
  • Terra probably needs to grow
  • As does HBD and some of that Hive maybe swapped out to HBD.
  • ETH - Some USDC, it's been stuck there for about a year, too little to move with the fees!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I only have HBD these days, all the others I can't get working for me unless I hand the keys to someone else, and I'm a non trusting bastard. It's the worse stable coin I have ever seen as far as being stable.., but its stable enough.

I do quite like HBD - stalb-ish is OK!

You don't hand the keys to someone else on BSC do you?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you can show me another stable-coin that beats the 10% yield of HBD, I would be interested. I don't venture outside HIVE so often.

Sure - UST on terra/ anchor gives you a 20% return.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I moved some stables from poloygon to terra, anchor, and its great, easy and simple. I'm long ago out of eth.

I think as things stands whould be nice if HBD increases the apr to at least 15%, and even better 20%. I wanted to push to witnesses for this.
Btw ... where do you pool rune-busd?

I'm liking Terra, it's next on my list to increase for sure.

I am anticipating an interest rate rise, it was rapid up to 10% so I'm guessing there is maybe potential for it to go further.

I pool on Thorswap - been in it for ages, just back on line but I don't know whether they've raised the caps for more pooling - I think i might hold off for a while yet, wait for the next hack to hopefully not happen for a month at least!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just tested thorswap ... not allowing it ... #raisethecaps :)
Are you using trust wallet exclusively for thorswap?

I do use Trust wallet for it, and I don't use it for anything else, so yup!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What actually you do with Stable Coins, just keep it or you used it for staking?

Pretty much all of the above are staked and yielding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for sharing such a detail view of your stablecoins.

I have not tried Polycat yet (or the overall Polygon ecosystem actually).

Still sitting a lot in BSC, I am pooling stable in kind of risky projects such as Kalata and getting 30%+ APR. I have mostly USDC, UST and BUSD. I try to stay away from USDT as you are.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've seen a lot of those 'risky stable pools' offering high returns, they always have some catch - high fees somewhere or a rapid print rate on their reward coin, soon to end.

I'm much happier now in the proper stable ones - honestly, many of them offer 15-20% so it's just not worth it for an extra 10% IM0!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice portfolio and diverse stablecoin assets that are passively working for you. I need to get into Terra with UST besides the LUNA that I HODL, but which doesn't provide the same returns.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think Luna is just 5% right>! not so tasty!

Right on that but still, hopefully, it will bring more perks in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Right on that but still, hopefully, it will bring more perks in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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