Pavlov's post - the real value of Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

We all work on incentives of some kind, and while we like to judge each other's perceived reasons for doing something, but at the end of the day, we are all the same, it is just that the type of reward changes. The reward mechanisms matter a great deal to the way we behave, which is part of the idea behind Pavlovian Conditioning.

One of the interesting (I use that word a lot, mostly because I am curious about a lot) things on Hive is that people are often "accused" of only writing or doing something because there is the potential for an economic payoff. When someone does something for money, it seems to be seen as a negative on Hive, even though that is the way all economies work at their core, even if what is the "money" changes form.


For example, people might like to read a book, but while they are reading, they aren't thinking much about the entire economic structure that lays behind getting that book into their eyeline, from the author who was able to have the time and resources to sit and write, the companies that built the PC and keyboard (or typewriter), the editing staff, the printing presses, the publishing houses and marketing campaigns, transport network and a myriad other ancillary services that were required - for a book. Even if the author didn't care about the money at all, didn't need it or didn't want it and gave it all to charity - that book still generated value.

But, very little of this network is considered or indeed, visible to the end-reader at all, as all they care about is reading the book's contents. The infrastructure however is where the majority of the value is generated, which is why owning the infrastructure is so lucrative and always has been, as it is needed to get goods and services to where the demand is for them and without the network, the goods and services are useless.

But, there is more to it than this in regards to the "why" people post at all. Some people seem to think posting for money is some kind of manipulation on Hive,, where people will change their content to what they think will get them rewarded. But, it is the reward that people are after, it is just that some people want money.

On other platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the vast majority of users are not monetarily rewarded at all, but they are rewarded.* It is just that the rewards come in the form of stars, hearts and thumbs, as well as random other digital emojis that carry no real-world value to those who receive them. At least not directly - get enough of them and the platform could pass some of the value they get from them on, in the hope that a popular account will generate more sales for their advertising revenue.

Yes. Those digital markers that carry no enduser value, do carry value for the platform as they can use them as markers (tokens) of market segmentation and targeting. Also, they can use them liberally on the platform to reward all kinds of behavior and condition response. For example, people on Twitter love to see someone they dislike torn apart, so they add their likes and shares to some random account to give it 15 seconds of fame for a bit of schadenfreude. That is a reward and the reason that people are trolling is for reward too. On the centralized platform however, that reward doesn't come in the form of money, it comes in the form of digital attention.

If you haven't noticed on Hive yet - trolling behavior rarely earns because while there is no user cost on Twitter or Facebook to support it, there is a cost on Hive to support it, because it requires a vote. Staked users would generally rather pay for content they want, then content that gives them some schadenfreude points.

But this aside, if we look at posting behavior itself, the reward mechanisms of the centralized platforms are set up to condition for content that desires attention and digital tokens that hold no value as payment. This is interesting, because it encourages drama and often a far less thoughtful type of content and the people posting it are willing to in exchange for something that has zero value to them, other than their own feeling of importance and popularity.

If looking from the perspective of what kind of content is healthier for an individual to produce, I would suspect that the one that does it for usable value will generally be more useful, as it has to convince an audience to actually pay for the content, not just give something that has no value in exchange. A person can spend all day for years on any of those highly-subscribed platforms liking this, commenting on that and scrolling through all of that free content, and earn nothing. But, these platforms generate trillions in infrastructure value for the small group of stakeholders, without having to pass anything onto the users at all.

People are conditioned. The metronome of public opinion clicks and people start salivating and posting incessantly, generating a massive amount of wealth for those who use their power to direct more wealth their way, by affecting public opinion. They have created a massive circlejerk of information flow that extracts value from the userbase and all they have to pay for it - is worthless digital tokens.

I hear you saying though "hey, we do it for digital tokens too" and that is the case, but the difference is that the laws of economics apply to the tokens we are moving, so things like scarcity, distribution, demand and ownership matter. On Facebook, Instagram or Twitter - I don't even own my account, so ownership of the useless tokens they pay with is impossible and even if I could own them, useless because they are free.

for something to have actual value, someone has to believe it has value, and this is what the centralized platforms have successfully managed. They have been able to make people believe that the rewards they offer are valuable, even though they cannot buy anything at all. They have done this to such a degree, that people are willing to "buy likes" from secondary markets in order to appear popular on a platform that they have no ownership over and offers nothing tangible in return. It is all about making people feel like they are getting something, even though they are getting nothing.

I find this especially interesting in regards to the troll behavior on those platforms as for the most part, they get nothing out of deliberately harming people in some way. Well, the is is not true is it? They get the good feeling from their behavior, making them sadists. This is interesting because essentially, these platforms are encouraging and "rewarding" these kinds of people, which is why this kind of behavior is so prevalent on the centralized social media platforms - because the trolls are conditioned to be trolls - while thinking they are clever.

What the general response is from the centralized platforms to deal with this is of course things like censorship and KYC rules, but this doesn't actually stop it, because the platform itself is monetized by the drama. meaning they are still rewarding that kind of behavior, but they are making a "show" of dealing with it. They know the solution however, it is just that they don't want to enact it, because to do so breaks their business model.

Hive has this solution built into it of course, and that is to have users who are invested and have the ability to incentivize or disincentivize behaviors, with tokens that carry real economic value and can be used in the real world. This means that without censorship or KYC, people are rewarded for behavior, and with a very wide distribution of those who can reward, a very wide range of content can earn real value. While imperfect, it is able to generally govern content and behavior direction, without encroaching on anyone's ability to write to the blockchain itself, as long as they have a tiny bit of ownership.

However, this doesn't mean all content gets rewarded, because people who hold ownership value reward as they choose and just like they would on the Facebook and Twitter platforms, if they had to pay for it, they wouldn't reward the negative side nearly as much as it is currently rewarded with those valueless stars and hearts.

While people are willing to pay for Netflix, if Facebook were to start charging users 15 dollars a month to use their services, how many of the 2.7 billion would? And then, Twitter would charge 10 dollars for Twitter and Instagram 10 dollars too, and Snapchat.... Just to give those stars and hearts some value.

If they did that, I am sure there would be takers, but far fewer than what they have now, as while they might be able to add some value to those stars and hearts, they can't give ownership of the platform itself, as that fundamentally destroys their platform. Netflix offers what people are willing to pay for, most people aren't willing to pay for pictures of their friend's lunch - at least not directly.

This means that if they did add a subscription, there would be an exodus looking for a new home and new ways to do much of what they have been doing and they will discover that all this "complexity" that Jack Dorsey from Twitter has been struggling with, has already been solved in various ways by places like Hive. The only thing that makes it complex for Twitter is how to do it whilst still maintaining centralized control and profit margins, and not adding any real value back to the user base that the platform has to pay for.

Hive can do this because the platform is owned by us and through the witnesses, is able to do what it does without having to take a cut at all. But, because of that ownership model Hive has, anyone can post what they want, just not get monetary rewards for it. However, they can get some likes and comments on their content, but they just won't hold much value, unless the person "liking" is also someone who is willing to pay for what they like.

Damn. That was a far longer post than I intended and there are still a million and one more things I would like to say about this as well as threads to complete.... Would I write this on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? Would I write it on Medium where they choose who gets support?

Where else am I incentivized to write content such as this?

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Human behaviour is as conditioned as those from the rest of animals in our world. It's inherent of their nature. It's just that the human response building may be more complex and many threads flow into our final reaction. For example the act of clicking the like button. Is a more subtile conditioning process. Iván Pávlov coudn't make us drool by ringing a bell unless he put the individual in a freedom lack situation, used frecuently in torture practices.

Apart from that, it's clear that centralized platforms have really mastered to the highest levels the conditioning practices. People are willing to hit that like button as the Pavlov's dog drooled while the neutral stimulus was used. But there are others salivating, those waiting to gather the "thumb up" emojis. The success use cases widely spread by companies at the social networks marketing seminars had helped a lot on this. Every business can build its path to huge benefits when applying the proper marketing solutions on hands of their community managers... drama it's a very valuable asset that anyone can create at any moment.

Are we being conditioned by rewards at Hive? Indeed. What would happen with our community if there were no rewards at all? The same as for the centralized platforms that would make their users pay for a subscription.

The blockchain gammification it's the kickoff for that new economy you were talking about the other day. Not that it's the first on doing something similar but the first that gave users a piece of the infraestructure generated incomes. We don't own the platform nor the infraestructure, it's all shared and decentralized somewhat, not evenly in my humble opinion. Great stakeholders and related businesses (some of them centralized) control how the cake is shared and which the direction will be. It's just we have the "ilusion" very well inserted in our minds that we have control of what is going on. As an example the chain split caused by the Justin's irruption onto the scene.

It wasn't that all of us, the humble users that hold some HP had decided to split. Those big holders kicked the ball and we followed them freely (of course) for a better and healthier chain somewhat decentralized. We were conditioned in different ways depending on each one expectations. Those of us that hated the idea of a big idiot whale (company) controlling our destiny got conditioned by the decentralization perspective, those waiting for more attention and rewards got conditioned by the bigger cake piece promised by the 1M dollar pizza man. Of course there are more variations on this...

We post because we want to be rewarded, we vote because we will be rewarded. Some will also engage and comment sincerely not waiting for an outcome. The usual behaviour is that you can post the best content ever and you could have not even have a comment unless a bot stops in your post, lol.

I'm rather skeptical as you can see but don't misunderstand me, I'm of those hopeful guys that waits for a better future, a better world for all and for that "New World" (economy) in which all would help each other grow not only economically but also spiritually.

Forgive me for dropping this too long comment but you deseve to be payed with the same coin 😜


It is one of the biggest if not the biggest reason Hive will be around in the near future and possibly for a long time. There are trolls here, not many but some, they have negative reputations for the most part.

Drama is fine in small doses, and we do have some, but the drama actors have learned that even though they can edit their content there are people that can show the original, there is no hiding on Hive.

With the difficulty hiding on Hive, people seem more real here on Hive. Even though the posting is for money, there really is not much facebook/youtube game playing of he said/she said. Squabbles are like spam or plagiarism on Hive, people for the most part simply do not reward it.

I can pretty much tell in a min by looking at their blog who is posting for just money and who has some decency. It's quite easy,

Hive will be here for a long time. I will be here for sure :)

I believe Hive will be around for awhile myself, I also think there is room for a lot of different content and uses of Hive. That is what kind of makes Hive special, there is a place for almost everything, Art, Photography, games, philosophy, and a lot of other things.

I think since last year and the start of Hive especially after HF 25, that we are just on the cusp of learning what all Hive can do, the 3speak system and other developments, and the tying together of multiple system the way splinterlands is doing, really is just the tip of what can be done.

There will be agent prevaricators along the way, those people and groups that do not want Hive to succeed for what ever reason, fortunately there are roadblocks for them.

there is no hiding on Hive.

and the history remains intact, always.

I know there are a small group who persistently keep trying to make this centralized media by bringing the same tactics here, yet it is like they are unable to learn that this isn't Twitter or Facebook. Proof of no brain perhaps.

Proof of no brain perhaps.

Very much in some cases, but they can still post, still get voted up and down, and still not learn you simply do not bite the hands that feed you. We want Hive to grow, and they want it to become a centralized system despite what they say.

There are some rich people on Hive, they must be here because they like it for both the social side and the investment side, and they are going to protect both sides investment and social.

There are some rich people on Hive, they must be here because they like it for both the social side and the investment side, and they are going to protect both sides investment and social.

That is the "centralized" part of Hive that scares me to be honest. It scared us at Steem too to the point you had to be careful when opening your mouth.

Hopefully people have learned that keeping quiet about abuse just leads to more abuse. I have had my differences with a few very large accounts, I have spoke up for myself and for others. If the people of Hive are going to hide in fear of a down vote then Hive becomes a lost cause.

To the best of my knowledge all the so called Ninja mined stake is in the DHF fund. That no one individual or group of individuals control that stake to the point they can use it for down voting. Down votes on Hive today come from Individual accounts. From People, not from some central controlling authority.

Of course I could be wrong, after all I am just someone who uses Hive Block Chain, who likes to share his opinion, thoughts, and ideas.

I was think last night about all the different Team name a country tribes, that were on steem, those of us that left steem to join Hive are more of an inclusive world group. Yes there are still a few my country tribes, but fewer than and less active than they were on steem.

Hive is not about where someone is from, it is about them being here.

Down votes on Hive today come from Individual accounts. From People, not from some central controlling authority.

Those accounts have enough stake to bury your account more than 4 meters underground so that's why I talk about somewhat "centralized" part of Hive. I know it's more like an evil word here but I think you understand my symbolic use.

Hive is not about where someone is from, it is about them being here.

Indeed but the language barrier is a thing and most of them where somewhat forced to join at those tribes in order to make a way in a major english environment. I don't blame anyone but I'm of those that always thought it was a matter of interest to learn the language in which platforms are built upon.

enough stake to bury your account more than 4 meters underground

Yes they can and some accounts, the spammers and the plagiarizers need to be buried, but the people with that power are being pretty careful and respectful of peoples reputation. They still have their reputation when it comes to being de-rewarded due to the type of content they post.

As for the language barrier, I believe there are people working on the ability for people to pick the language they want post displayed in, so if you only know one language, like myself, all the different languages will be auto converted to English. I do not know how far a long they are on it, but when it happens people in Nigeria, Spain, France, Russia, will be able to select their home language to read, write and post in. It may be a few years down the road or just around the corner, but I believe they will be able to do it.

They know the solution however, it is just that they don't want to enact it, because to do so breaks their business model.

Using others information is rewarding to the owners, people who are satisfied with what happens will continue using the system if they feel their is either reward through contacts in business, or for majority find likes pleasing within personal circles of friends.

Many arrived purely to keep contact with friends/family in sharing.

if Facebook were to start charging users 15 dollars a month to use their services, how many of the 2.7 billion would?

Disappear with majority leaving, most will not pay! Biggest problem here is for those selling using these platforms it is the number of eyeballs hitting the page, not the actual connection to people. Only people with strong selling abilities will succeed in their topic of expertise.

Hive can do this because the platform is owned by us and through the witnesses

Expression of freedom where you select communities to join that are of interest to you, support via systems in place paying a percentage keeps Hive relatively well balanced.

Trolls are everywhere, each platform has a fair share of them, by ignoring them you no longer feed their desire for attention!

Hive to me is learning new technology, opinions from a wide variety of people. Reading advice which may solve problems or simply reading to enjoy travel, photography, listen to music see some amazing art the list continues as we grow, yes

Hive blockchain has many mechanisms in place to grow on a personal or business level.

Many arrived purely to keep contact with friends/family in sharing.

Yes. It is one of these funny things really. As people went for family and friends and ended up ignoring them and chasing the approval of strangers instead.

most will not pay!

I can't image many would. As said, when you don't know what the product is, the product is you. Would you pay for yourself?

by ignoring them you no longer feed their desire for attention!

Yes and be reducing their incentive to post, they disappear, since they get no reward, other than their own delusions of grandeur feeding their ego.

As people went for family and friends and ended up ignoring them and chasing the approval of strangers instead.

Strange times, human ego making sure to be where everyone else is, FOMO!

the product is you.

Even that costs when advertising, most fake way of putting stuff out there just slapping it front of eyeballs of people.

Illustrious trolls will lurk on each platform, like shit on a shoe they just stick hoping for attention.

They have done this to such a degree, that people are willing to "buy likes" from secondary markets in order to appear popular on a platform that they have no ownership over and offers nothing tangible in return.

For me, it's more or less like creating a feeling of satisfaction and fufilment when in actual real-time these euphoria derived from these centralised entities hardly brings and value. I think a lot of people lives in this delusion and some are putting these audience to use fo enrich themselves. The celebrities and the artists for example.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think the general social media encourages instant gratification - small and continual dopamine hits - rather than any kind of long-term satisfaction from building something more.

The promise of a great (monetary) success if you gather thousand (millions) of likes at those platforms, the "salivation" effect.

I literally enjoy the fact that I get positive feedback and they really enjoy reading my content.... But the money reward is still something I consider anyway

You should consider it, as it is a core part of the ecosystem and the governance structure here. Understanding the dynamics helps a lot.

Yeah thanks

On other platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the vast majority of users are not monetarily rewarded at all, but they are rewarded.* It is just that the rewards come in the form of stars, hearts and thumbs, as well as random other digital emojis that carry no real-world value to those who receive them.

Long time ago i used Facebook,youtube but i couldn't find any reason why i was using as they are just using your contents to earn revenue but we get nothing . yes in some point if you have good followers then you earn from ads provided to your contents there which is very hard nowadays to build as there are lot of competitors in the market.
Blockchain Social site like hive provide only unbiased opportunity where you earn rewards from gaming,blogging,Defi and NFT as quickly as turn on the light. yes only your skills matters .Here glamour and burden of followers for ads earning is totally unacceprable at hive ecosystem.

As more people start using these kinds of platforms, the more who will be able to get in and build their own spaces. tHe problem often is that many people who do manage to earn, don't support building the path for others, slowing the process down.

What a great analysis, one thing I know is that everything in life revolves around reward system either positive or negative, monetary or non-monetary and they come directly or indirectly to us. Life is about choice, one will have to choose either to remain silent/inactive because of people's perception or be active/deligent in doing what he or she knows very well and earn rewards from it. Experience shows that majority of people tend to be more active and serious with ideas and platforms that have real rewards in the real world especially those that can be seen by their colleagues making them look responsible. There's this popular believe that whatever attracts reward is what doing well. As a content writer like everyone else, the first reward is acceptability and the social value a content gives. This is also a reward for authors though not monetary. I believe Hive community has been structured to provide both monetary and non-monetary values which is something I cherish here a lot.

People are often never interested in the mechanizations of what goes behind something. The story of a simple pencil is remarkable but one that so many could care less to discover. The different groups that take the raw material, process it, ship it and ultimately produce it into a pencil are beyond so many people. Similar to Hive, people don't care how you get to a post or point if they dislike it, they downvote it and move on instead of just giving someone their space.

I will say though that the incentive to produce positive content on here and good interactions is what I think makes this place unique. I didn't really think of it that way until you brought up the other ilk of social media places and how being free, and no economic incentive, they have little reason to do anything positive.

Folks are always looking for rewards on Hive which I think is perfectly fine, we have thousands of people on here with decent stake so we can reward users for what we find useful and interesting. That translates, thankfully, to minimal (but still present of course) posts of people being assholes and calling out others and stuff. Someone might get rewarded for it once but make three or four of those and you suck the energy out of your own room for a while and people ignore you. In some ways that's good and bad of course but we don't need more negative emotions on the internet, there's so much of it on the mainstream platforms!