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RE: #350: China’s Chemical Control Over America

in FreeSpeech11 months ago

One of the many subplots in the general efforts to commoditize humanity (i.e. convert people into lab rats for experimentation toward immortality by those who defy God and/or human creation) is the handover of the USA to China.

China has been the defilers' greatest success in commoditizing their citizenry, and the government there serves as a model to expand worldwide. Thus it is no surprise that Chinese domination is a sub-goal of those defilers. Armed wars don't work. Neutron bombs don't work. The defilers don't want to kill off the lab rats - they just want to domesticate and commonditize them so that data will be all the more useful.

So a peaceful turnover has been in progress for decades now. Feinstein, Swalwell, all those generals, Pelosi and now Biden are clearly Chinese assets. Not that Democrats are the sole assets, but they are the most obvious. I don't see a "World War" versus China - I believe that the USA will simply hand the keys to the Chinese without a shot being fired. Social credit scores are coming here too. The USA will simply be a serf to the Chinese leadership, and the commoditization of the citizenry will continue.


"...The defilers don't want to kill off the lab rats..."

Yet. Decentralization and automation of the means of production are yet immature and of limited extent. There comes a tipping point, and the financial advantage overlords possess enables them to pull the trigger before the vast majority of humanity have become self-sufficient. This strongly - very, very strongly - suggests being an early adopter of decentralized means of production and increasing the strength of local communities through trade and social bonds in order to increase the speed at which communities can become obdurate against a global NWO, which is surely coming.

Our second best advantage is in numbers, as adoption across a community enables far more rapid development than is potential to isolated walled gardens. Our best advantage is that overlords are almost exclusively psychopaths, incomprehending the value of society, and their own dependence on it. They are broken. Psychopathy is not inherently advantageous. It is only an advantage in an environment in which inhuman corporations facilitate inhumanity as a means of institutional power. As society collapses, corporations decline in relevance. Overlords face a delicate balancing act in subjugating society while developing automated means of production, and society is inherently more competent to develop and disperse decentralized means of production.

We can only be commoditized if we remain dependent on centralization.