#350: China’s Chemical Control Over America

in FreeSpeech11 months ago
Authored by @Charlie Robinson

by @macroaggressions on Macroaggressions
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/macroaggressions #350: China’s Chemical Control Over America

The Chinese government quietly purchased a backdoor into the minds, stomachs, and lives of average Americans through their $43 billion acquisition of Syngenta, one of the largest Agra giants in the world responsible for the production of agrochemicals, rubber products, specialty chemicals, and particularly, genetically modified seeds and pesticides.

As America continues its drunken rampage of threatening World War 3 for a WTO trading partner, the manufacturing hub of the entire world, the producer of 97% of all antibiotics and 93% of pharmaceutical drugs, and the holder of over a trillion dollars of Treasury bills, China is quietly acquiring companies it needs for the future and making infrastructure investment deals with the entire continent of Africa through its Belt & Road Initiative.

Is America about to come off of all its meds at the same time? You thought the “Summer of Love 2020” was a mess, just wait until all of the mentally ill are no longer able to keep their insanity at bay because China turned off the drug supply over an insult or a threat of war. It is not as absurd of an idea as it might appear.

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One of the many subplots in the general efforts to commoditize humanity (i.e. convert people into lab rats for experimentation toward immortality by those who defy God and/or human creation) is the handover of the USA to China.

China has been the defilers' greatest success in commoditizing their citizenry, and the government there serves as a model to expand worldwide. Thus it is no surprise that Chinese domination is a sub-goal of those defilers. Armed wars don't work. Neutron bombs don't work. The defilers don't want to kill off the lab rats - they just want to domesticate and commonditize them so that data will be all the more useful.

So a peaceful turnover has been in progress for decades now. Feinstein, Swalwell, all those generals, Pelosi and now Biden are clearly Chinese assets. Not that Democrats are the sole assets, but they are the most obvious. I don't see a "World War" versus China - I believe that the USA will simply hand the keys to the Chinese without a shot being fired. Social credit scores are coming here too. The USA will simply be a serf to the Chinese leadership, and the commoditization of the citizenry will continue.

"...The defilers don't want to kill off the lab rats..."

Yet. Decentralization and automation of the means of production are yet immature and of limited extent. There comes a tipping point, and the financial advantage overlords possess enables them to pull the trigger before the vast majority of humanity have become self-sufficient. This strongly - very, very strongly - suggests being an early adopter of decentralized means of production and increasing the strength of local communities through trade and social bonds in order to increase the speed at which communities can become obdurate against a global NWO, which is surely coming.

Our second best advantage is in numbers, as adoption across a community enables far more rapid development than is potential to isolated walled gardens. Our best advantage is that overlords are almost exclusively psychopaths, incomprehending the value of society, and their own dependence on it. They are broken. Psychopathy is not inherently advantageous. It is only an advantage in an environment in which inhuman corporations facilitate inhumanity as a means of institutional power. As society collapses, corporations decline in relevance. Overlords face a delicate balancing act in subjugating society while developing automated means of production, and society is inherently more competent to develop and disperse decentralized means of production.

We can only be commoditized if we remain dependent on centralization.

Things are being set up so that disrupting supply lines will be existential, and thus effective in coercing our compliance. We individuals cannot control our government, at least not anymore, if we ever did, but we can control ourselves.

Decentralization of the means of production are the cutting edge of technological advance in every industry today. From making light switch plate covers, to growing prawns and parsley, from creating money to manufacturing drugs, all of the goods and services that create the blessings of civilization can now be manufactured on a kitchen table, in a sunny window, or in your garage. You spoke a lot about drugs, and that is a critical good that millions of lives depend on, so being vulnerable to a cessation of foreign manufactured supplies can force people to submit, which was your point.

But we individually do not need to depend on anyone to manufacture our medications.


History is of centralization, of the will of overlords and how they imposed it. But centralization is already obsolete. The build out of the infrastructure is ongoing, and takes time, but as we each adopt the means of production suitable to our specific circumstances, it is built out. Neat thing about decentralization is that it eliminates parasitic losses. Overlords are obligate parasites. They produce nothing. They parasitize everyone's production when we work in collective industrial factories, but when we make the light switch plate cover we need ourselves, they get nothing. Neither is our DIY production a taxable event. We keep 100% of the profits from our production.

If we adopt decentralized means of production of the necessities, the goods and services we need to live, and those that create the blessings of civilization, overlords, war, and money all become obsolete. If we don't we continue to hemorrhage productivity and suffer subjugation to overlords. I know that some people will choose that, at least today, because they've been indoctrinated from birth to be good chattel.

But, I don't choose that. I don't work in a collective factory for an overlord's profits. I provide services to my neighbors, and I own the means of production. As time goes on I expand my means to increase the goods and services I provide, and I increase my wealth - exclusively my wealth, because I increasingly reduce the flow of my productivity to overlords through buying products from centralized industrial production, and choose local producers that, like me, work for themselves and produce goods and services themselves.

If the vile banksters choose to interrupt supply lines and impose an NWO anytime soon, most people would be utterly helpless to sustain their lives, and civil society, and would be forced to submit to live. The longer such interruption is delayed, the more people become able to provide their necessities themselves, and to support civil society without submitting to overlords.

Eventually, overlords will lose any ability to effect control. The faster we adopt decentralized means of production, the shorter the horizon becomes.
