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RE: The price of loss

Galen I'm really sorry for your loss of Merlin, I know he meant so much to you. The fact that you can look back and still remember him and that you still feel him, well that just shows how deeply you loved him. I know Cleo misses him too.


I don't call many people friend, but that little fellow was certainly one of them. People that don't have pets probably won't understand and that's ok. But, for twenty two years he was there when I came home to greet me, listened to what I had to say and never judged me; he was just there; a constant. It might sound a bit silly for a man like me to say these things but I believe he understood me, my moods and emotions, and acted accordingly. He was a tremendous little fellow.

It was a terrible week or so although it was time for Merlin and my dad to move on. It'll be my time eventually and I'll accept it as did Merlin and my dad. It's just another adventure to take after all...But I guess, all things considered, my journey will probably be downwards now I think of it. I'll own it.

Thanks for your message. I hope you're well, all things considered; I always hope for that.

I absolutely understand, my animals are not always domestic (I've had a swan, starlings, geese, a shrike, a couple rock kestrels, doves, pigeons, cats, dogs, meerkat, snakes, geckos, rats etc etc) and they aren't even pets, they are everything that the true sense of the word 'family' imbues.

Galen you need to be gentle with yourself please, I know it's not an easy time at all and you've been ill, please take care. You're not going downwards, don't be ridiculous. We all go at one point or another but while we're here, we might as well make the most of it.

I'll be ok, I'm still trying to play catch up on the missed responsibilities from the 2 days I was out of commission, you know how it goes.

I hope you found some time to sit in solace today and be still, hope your sleep improves too.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I'll get some sleep, eventually.