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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

  • Mobility - Number 1
  • Camera - why number one is important
  • Thinking - why camera is important

Between thinking and camera I would have a hard time picking which one is more important. Mobility however is no question the number one thing needed for both.
I'll try to illustrate with the below image.
mushroom in dead stump
To many it is just a picture of a mushroom. I had to walk to get the picture. With out mobility I would not have been able to even see the mushroom. My mobility is gradually decreasing, but I try not to let it get to much of a grip on me.

With out the camera I would not have been able to get the picture, but I needed to think about the picture, to get close to the mushroom and know that I would be able to get the picture and to get back up from taking the picture. After taking the picture what then? It could just end up sitting on a chip or on a disk, and be viewed by only me, what to do with the picture?

That is where Hive comes in, I could share it with others, or keep it for myself. I decided to share it today. I got a few other pictures from today that I will be working into a post. It was a Good Friday, sore/tired right leg and all a very pleasant day.

Lots and lots of various reasons for a lack of picture taking on my part this year, but I love fall for pictures, and today was that fall day.


I really like the way you're interconnected the three items you chose as important to you because I think, in truth, all are interconnected, all the important things. I know a few who are not as mobile as they once were and I know they'd accept the lack or loss of many other things just to have it back. The make it work though, do the best they can and still have fulfilled lives.

I was talking to my brother about ageing the other day and whilst neither of us are what I'd call old were both old enough, with enough challenges, to have a glimpse of it. Losing my mobility won't go so well for me I think.

Anyway, that's for commenting and for the image as well. Always good to have you around.

I was pleasantly surprised when reading a few of the comments that Camera came up in another individuals comment. That was nice to see. I am not real old, but my body has broken down quite a bit, some of it from once unknown birth defects recently discovered, (hip bone issues). So I just try to make do, and not worry about it to much or let it rule my life. We all lose something as we age, it is how we cope with the loss that is the important thing.

It's been really interesting to see the choices people have made. I expected a lot of material items although that hasn't happened and people have chosen much deeper and more meaningful things. It's pretty cool.

Oh my! I love your response to the question and the important things you mentioned really go together.

That mushroom picture is amazing, thanks to your mobility and camera... I was able to see something nice
