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RE: Sharing and legit hug-moments

in Weekend Experienceslast year

I agree that sometimes burneds shared can make them lighter to carry, and that there's times when sharing things is valid and actually wise.

I guess my comments about over-sharing relates more to the way people splash their personal lives all over Facebook and other social medias, and divulge things about themselves, their lives, events and happenings, that really have no place being in the public domain. Of course, the same happens offline a lot.

But sure, sharing information between two friends or family members, between professional advisors like doctors, accountants, lawyers and such is legitimate usually.

There's a line people don't seem to know how to find, or care to find.


I do agree, you have reminded me now if someone else at work who does over share. They talk quite openly about things that really shouldn't be in public knowledge. One such instance involved her having a relationship with someone who was already married. The posts, pictures, made the whole thing public knowledge and was pretty uncomfortable for everyone else. No filter whatsoever.

In that case, the married party's partner found out, as the saw the messages. Destruction happened and you could say they deserved it but that not's my point, we all make decisions with consequences. It was the publicity of it that was shocking.

Yep, that's a classic over-share case. Bonkers really, the way people are so cavalier with their private information.