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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

It seems like you're on the way towards your dream job from what I know. I mean there's no shortage of social media links and avenues at the bottom of your posts so it looks like you're at least giving it a go.

Hopefully not works out and you can fully-engage in that passion. It would be good to make ones passion also ones job. Of course, for me, I'd not really want to work at all, just travel, experience new things, learn about stuff, places, people and history and fill my life with that rather than working for one third of my life just to pay the bills. That's heinous.

Thanks for joining in. Have a good weekend.



I'm definetely giving it a try for sure. Life is so short, it is a pity that work consumes such a big part of it, it should not be this way

If you don't reach it you could always consider a career in blog footer writing...I think sometimes your footer is bigger than your actual post!

Hahhahhaha for sure it is

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