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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 152

in Weekend Experienceslast year

It makes sense to watch your own back, but it can cause neck pain. Lol.

I'm in Australia so as long as South Africa hasn't moved we're in different continents. If I was to travel somewhere right now it would be South Africa so you're possibly quite safe.

Besides, I see you're a runner. I only run when T-Rex is chasing me so you're probably totally safe, maybe.


Lol the longer this thread gets, the more consistently I watch my back. Head is doing spineroonies. neck pain is eminent.

But I feel safer knowing continents divides, and there is really no good reason for you to visit South Africa. Except that our chocolate is really good! And to chased by chickens which is apparently the closest loving relative to TRex. AT least that's what Google says!

For the record, I'm not nearly as fast as a TRex or a chicken for that matter. This rabbit hole though...

Hmm, chocolate is a good enticement and has rekindled my conviction.

Getting chicken chased isn't much of a drawcard, but a roast chicken dinner is. Hint hint. It'll be fun to get one back on T-Rex I think, you know, eating one of his closest living relatives.

After dinner, operation kidnap can commence...after dessert of course...and after a nap.

I got a new pair of runners the other day, I'll make sure I'll bring them...or maybe I'll opt for one of those old person gopher cart things they drive around. I'll wear a helmet of course.

The more this conversation goes the safer I feel. I actually have an ex client that sells those mobility scooter, if you pay in BTC he gives you a good discount.

Also first napper I hear wants to be fed by his victims. His this a new sadistic faction of the kidnapper guild. I'm pretty sure it goes against the code! Also if I'm not a kid, can we still call it kidnap or will that be abducting?

Also yay for new runners! I got me a new pair of trail shoes on sunday. Actually i yook my newnones back coznthey hurting so got a bit of an upgrade! Yay for new shoes.

Get me down for one mobility scooter. A red one, they go faster.

Bloody trail runner huh? Ok, I'll wait until you're back, no way I'm running up a mountain...unless there's food on offer up there.

Also personnapping doesn't sound as good.

With some racing stripes! Because then you know you in the big leagues!

I'm not actually a trail runner, I actually don't enjoy it at all. I always feel like ima fall on my face and look down at my feet the entire time. Road is more my thing, I have more control. I do enjoy walking the trails though, love hiking. But prefer to hike in trail shoes as opposed to hiking boots. And will maybe run if a nice flat stretch presents itself. Sooo Wiley, you can just call me Road Runner!

I'm a hiker, and do a lot of that. Running...well I run late a lot. Ok, that's a lie, I'm never late, that's one of my major pet hates actually, so I work hard not to be.

Anyway, there was a time when I ran a lot but those days are over, I guess I just don't enjoy it although I know many do. I'll take hiking in some remote place over running anyway.

Give me an update on the mobility scooter and then... #hostagescenario #ransom #food

Love hiking too! We lucky to have lots of beautiful trails here in Cape Town..spoiled for choice! Hhahhaah I'm always running late, tis the story of my life.

I have this love hate relationship with running. I enjoy it bit also loathe myself while I'm doing it, as in the bad eating that's making the run go slow. But I'm in training. Want to feel like. A Little machine again that just goes and goes. I guess age though... You can come along in your mobility scooter and motivate me like Mickey, I will be Rocky of course! Adriaaaaan! Sorry I tend to get carried away some time.

I'm not sure my roast chicken is super great but I know where to order a tasty tikka chicken! Mmmmmm