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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Hey, great answer, and I enjoyed the journey to it, the ticking off of items.

I agree with your response though. I've had many very expensive cars and a total of 45 cars in my 51 years of life...Seems such a waste now. I know work out what I need and buy that - Need over want.

Good answer here. Thanks. (I wanted to push you a bit harder.). 😇


45 (!) cars?! How? Why? What the... that's crazy🥴

Yeah. I know. I had two at once sometimes. But...Somehow that doesn't really justify it I guess.

No justification needed. I'm sure at the time it was what you needed/wanted/enjoyed and then you moved on.

It was dumb. But sometimes it takes hindsight to see it. 🤔

Who am I to argue with that 🤣

I might be dumb, at times, but I show ownership.

Exactly! Something that I feel very much lacking these days in a lot of places.