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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Moving can be a bit problematic but I understand the reasoning behind it and wouldn't blame you in the least bit. Living near a hospital an have its advantages, but there's negatives too; Screaming sirens for one.

I'm sure you'll find something suitable and make it work. Being unfussy is a good thing...It just makes things so much easier right?


Good morning Galen and yeah less fussiness can always make things easier.
In the meantime I keep on improving this place and the next target is a gas heater for the shower and taps, in order to abolish the electric geyser. The geyser is 70% of the high electricity bill and gas will cut that by 60%

Luckily I can do the installation myself and we have considered to buy a used geyser, but the difference between the used and the new is so small that we will rather get a new one.
I have already installed a new air-conditioner and it all will help to increase the sales price of the house.

Chip away at it mate, that's the way. It's also good to DIY when you can also. I did a little around the place here today, and my other one too, where Faith runs our business. Chipping away, little by little, gets things done.

So great that you guys are blessed with two houses now Galen.
Before Cecilia passed away she and her husband gifted us with a house for walking the Leukemia road with her for 12 years, else we would still be renting in a dump.

A sad day for me as just had a call from my eldest daughter and they are right now boarding a plane.
Emigrating to the UK, as her bosses want her to work at the HO.
So, it is not an easy goodbye, but I will never stand in their way and I support all that my kids do.

Just that feeling of a parent when they know that they will never see their child or their two grandchildren again.
But such is life my friend, as there are no opportunities for the grandchildren here and I am a happy sad man today.

Ps. Sorry to focus on my issues and thankfully you are also good with your hands.
I am sure that you will keep on improving the homes to increase their values and it's always a good thing to do, besides saving a lot on labour costs.

Oh man, that's a bummer...Still, letting children go is what parents do I guess...You don't seem the type to hold yours back. I'm sorry to hear this news but glad they can move forward more confidently in the UK. I'm sure you know what I mean, and probably feel the same.

Oh yes, it's a bummer but one has to face reality and I am sure you also had to many times.
No need to run away or to feel sorry for the self as life has a way of working itself out.
I am glad that both of them already have jobs in the UK, the husband is a professional project manager and apparently her company has a furnished home for them.
So, all is good and the future of the kids holds many new promises.

Maybe I will see them again one day, but if not, their happiness is all that matters.

What more can one ask for?

I think you'll see them Zac, take a trip one day maybe.

Nah, maybe they will come here for a visit in a few years Galen, as they know that I could never afford that trip. I don't have a pension and will have to earn my stipend at Papillon R6000 per month until the day that I am no more.

Note that I am not pleading poverty, as Marian is a lecturer at a seminary and she earns enough to keep us going every month, but a trip like that will destroy our set-up.