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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 3 years ago

πŸ˜‚ I can see you were trying to sum it all up but it turned out to be a long list again.

Those three things you mentioned are indeed very important to anyone of us and thanks for mentioning them.

I hope you're having fun with the weekend engagement 😊 cause I'm so swelling up with fun right now.


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True. I have lived long enough to have found the really important things for me personally. IMO it really isn't possible to narrow them down to just three. But - I tried. And failed 😭.

πŸ˜‚ No section for tears here dear
You don't have to narrow it all down to three, just mention three and state the one most important among the three.

We all have more than three things that are important to us, so go go go 😊

See even that isn't possible. Importance changes by the day/week/month year. What's important to me today, may be totally irrelevant tomorrow.

If you want to know three things that are important to me right now?

  • Time to create my art
  • Having the means i.e. supplies to create art
  • Internet/computer to connect with other people around the world