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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

This was my first year to can anything, and I did a bunch of tomatoes. Apparently, to can anything else safely, I need a pressure canner. Next year!

I have post-it notes everywhere. There is some method to where I leave them though. If they are in my purse, they are appointments. If they are on my kitchen table, they are immediate tasks. If they are on my desk, I almost never get to them. lol


Hey you are making good progress! I haven't tried canning but I want to try canning kimchi (fermented vegetables).

I like your method. There is structure to it!

Happy canning

I keep buying cabbage to make kimchii and never getting around to it. It's really very easy!!! Do it! And let me know how it turns out. I've fermented many other things, and only one batch didn't taste good, so you pretty much can't go wrong.