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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

I like this one. There has been lots of research at what makes homo sapiens different and they have narrowed it down to two important factors: brains that can think of concepts that do not yet exist (so creativity is a big thing there) and the capability to share those things with others, we are incredibly social beings that can thrive in large groups thanks to our communication

 3 years ago (edited) 

Yep, thanks cognitive thought. They also started farming crops which eventually led to villages and towns and now cities. That's also when human beings began to be slaves to work. You know, waking up early to tend crops and unable to move around with the seasons due to their crops, houses and livestock etc.

I'd rather be a Neanderthal/hunter-gatherer.

Haha yeah you shoot a mammoth and then you can chill for weeks, you've got an abundance of food anyway! We totally fell for the farming/work trap and now we are stuck. Oh if only the mammoths were still here....

We (humanity) got sucked in by our own greed and hubris. And here we are, still doing it.