 3 years ago  

Hmm, yeah I agree that the background is a little plain. It actually looks like a prison wall, the question is, are you on the inside or outside? 😊

 3 years ago (edited) 

I am on the outside 🙈

 3 years ago  

Haha, yeah I figured you were. It's a good thing.

So funny, your reply though.
He could be inside or outside 😆

 3 years ago  

Lol...Yeah, I like to have a joke now and then.

I see, not bad though.
It's a good thing.
Great sense of humor 😊

😂 Your outfit is superb and the background? I won't say anything about it😷🤣

Really! Wow🤗
Thanks so much 💃💃

A great background. I'm not sure where it is but cool place to take the picture :)

It is the back yard of my apartment,
Thanks for your compliment