You've made many good points here. The junction of the old ways and the new are sometimes difficult, but more so for the people that follow the old ways. To me it seems as though children were much, much safer growing up in bygone days. They had time to mature in a slow and organic way.
Nowdays, it seems as if they are forced to grow up way too fast, and they act grown up but lack the maturity needed to navigate modern advancements. The internet is what comes to mind as so many kids get in over their head when given free rein.
You have touched on an important point: burning stages of personal growth. We see children reproducing adult behaviors, and the worst thing is that we applaud them.
A few years ago children played children's games, sang children's songs or watched children's movies. Now everything is different. Is this accelerated evolution a good thing? I don't think so. Each stage takes its time, even when conditions are different due to the logical changes of human development.
Thank you for reading and complementing with your comment.
I don't think so either.